theres nothing wrong with out mods or admins it's just that we need honda atv forums they have like 15 mods..its ridicoulus<----did i spell that right? but back to the point,4ced,305 liquid,and yb should be mods in my opinion... and even 370 but like i said earlier hes very busy! or even rockstar? but hes also very busy!
Why bring more mods on? Is there an ongoing problem with tons of spam and trash talk going on that I and the other mods are not aware of? Are the reported posts not getting taken care of to your liking? You keep on saying bring more mods on bring more mods. But for what reason? Like I said before, all we can do is edit, delete, ban and give infractions.
What your asking for is more mods for things that a mod can not change. There are 6 mods on this site that log on daily and keep the site spam and garbage free. You yourself said in your post that your honda forum has like 15 mods and it was rediculous! Think of it this way, this forum is a company and the members are working, the mods are middle management and the admin is upper management. Please don't tell me that any of you in your real job would like to have MORE middle management. All your asking for when you ask for more mods is for more people looking over your shoulder.
As far as these small things that you guys want canged PM cbaber or djack. Most of them were put in for a reason. The 15 character thing was put in because we were having a lot of problems with people putting "ya" or "lol" or "omg" as the only words in their post. It was making threads cluttered and giving no real information. But, like I said before if you dont like how the chat times out or how long it takes between PM's shoot a message to admin, NOT MODS, we cant change that stuff, and I am sure they will consider changing it.
editing, banning and deleting isnt the problem. we need mods telling people to get topics back on track, keeping the maturity level up, hell even just telling big headed egomaniacs to tone it down a notch. there are lots of things more mods would be useful for. my main problems with the site is the immaturity, bickering, and ego trips that we see take over half way though every thread.Why bring more mods on? Is there an ongoing problem with tons of spam and trash talk going on that I and the other mods are not aware of? Are the reported posts not getting taken care of to your liking? You keep on saying bring more mods on bring more mods. But for what reason? Like I said before, all we can do is edit, delete, ban and give infractions.
Outlawed: Thank you for your input. Your right, those are all things that we can do as mods. I myself will work more on keeping topics more on track and such and hammer down a bit on the "childish" stuff.
But as you know there are two edges to the blade. As soon as we start editing and peoples post to "keep them on track" we are going to have a bunch of people complaining about how the mods are moderating what they say too much.
That being said, if there is a small joke or something small that is off topic I may leave it. If it really starts to get out of hand it will be handled.
all i have to say for now is that i like this forum the way it is the childish stuff doesnt bother me to much unless it really gets a little too childish. i myself have gotten into a few arguements with people on this forum i just get carried away such as with gsxc1 when he came on here praising 4 strokes ill admit i was angry and said some very choice words that a 15 year old shouldnt be saying and i dont believe those posts were ever changed i have not checked to see. One of the people in this thread who has nominated himself for mod has got into some childish arguements himself with gsxc1 and back when dragblaster was on here not naming any names to avoid arguements. honestly we have enough mods even though i do wish some of them would be a little more active i understand that they have lives and are often going through many PM's from members. I do agree that some changes should be made such as the character and time limits the other bigger things such as the raptor in the banner dont bother me really. thats all i have to say on the matter
thanks for the compliments about PSJ jeremy.. i'm glad you and others like it over there.. BF does have alot of younger members.. PSJ has very few in the 13-15 range and was originally suppoed to be an 18-up forum but that idea was scrapped (lets be honest.. PSJ is anything but familiy oriented..)
i've never been a fan of censorship.. so language useage be it crude sometimes has never been somthing limit very much... that said.. i think it;' great that the admin and mod staff here don't edit out every offensive word possible... i myself have a colorful vocabulary.. haha
rep!!! i agree,i act ennoying some times but it's all about fun! thank u 14!