new mods and admin....

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ok, i see what your getting at.....also that 15 letter bullshit has gotta annoying as hell. im with you guys on this, something has got to be done. however it gets done, i dont care..but changes need to be made....if it means changing people around....fine..
ok, i see what your getting at.....also that 15 letter bullshit has gotta annoying as hell. im with you guys on this, something has got to be done. however it gets done, i dont care..but changes need to be made....if it means changing people around....fine..

yea man,idc if i make mod,i just hope tht who ever does,does the job.
your issue is that you want stuff changed, updated..etc but the people in power arent around to make them or hear your ideas, in that case, you have to find people who will. im with you. to be an admin, you nearly have to live on your site. 370 has lived on the internet for about 6-8 years. 1st being admin on e2s, then starting psj. e2s's admin never goes around there either....that place is quickly diminishing. ive seen guys here say they hate goin there...i see why. if nothing is done may see teh same certain doom.......
your issue is that you want stuff changed, updated..etc but the people in power arent around to make them or hear your ideas, in that case, you have to find people who will. im with you. to be an admin, you nearly have to live on your site. 370 has lived on the internet for about 6-8 years. 1st being admin on e2s, then starting psj. e2s's admin never goes around there either....that place is quickly diminishing. ive seen guys here say they hate goin there...i see why. if nothing is done may see teh same certain doom.......

yea man i hated E2S,i never go there anymore the site turned to crap,and like you said thats why it needs to change here.
ahh i think that we do need new mods and admin's....... yes definetely 305 cause he is so helpful! if 370 or rockstar wouldn't mind then i would votr for them.... but they're bust at powersports junkies... so i think that we need at least 3 more mods and 1 new admin which should be freek!
rockstar isn't a psj mod.. but i will tell you he'd be the man for the job here.. being that he and i are brothers i left him out as a moderator on PSJ.. he'd be a great asset to this site...

rockstar you also gotta remmeber when i left other other site.. smk and balla had already left.... then nitrousbaby and superevil left right after me... arguably one of the best mod staffs on the internet.. and guess where they all are now?
youi definatley gotta get rid of the 15 character thing.. and also the 60 sec pm limit.. that annoys the crap outta me... as rockstar said before.. a pic resizer and a limit on sig pic size would help the site run alot faster.. and then teh 60 sec PM limit wouldn't be an issue.
ahh i think that we do need new mods and admin's....... yes definetely 305 cause he is so helpful! if 370 or rockstar wouldn't mind then i would votr for them.... but they're bust at powersports junkies... so i think that we need at least 3 more mods and 1 new admin which should be freek!
thank you for the mention tyler.. if they want my help i'd be glad to help out..
yeah, our mod staff at psj is awesome. theres a reason they left e2s...its sucks. but if enough people wanted me to help out around here, i'd be glad to also....i've been following 370 around for the last however many years hopin for a chance to become a mod....but no luck, haha i've seen some of the changes made here and ther to psj and e2s of long ago....and this site needs turned have plnty of traffic, and helpful people, and lots of guys wanting to learn, and asking questions....the site is def lacking
Def. have to agree on nominating yourself on being an admin or mod, pretty lame. I knew what was going to happen after i saw the first post. And you could just PM caber or whatever and tell him about it. The reason you done ever see him on is because he has privacy mode on and he just lurks around, which is what he is supposed to do.

and you wanna be a mod??....8-|

LOL, seems like awesome admin material too me


Also we need admins that are active cuz rly i dont even know how this site is still up and running......why hasnt cbaber even posted here??? I agree with freek being admin. For the mod spots 305 would be good and hell Rockstar and 370 without a doubt.
As a moderator I have a few things to say. First of all, as I am reading this thread I see most of the people that are wanting new mods and admin are fairly new members of the site and have not seen the growth of the site from what it was last year at this time. Last year the site was the most basic of basic forums with just a small chat box and none of the other stuff that we have now such as being able to add friends, have your own person photo album, being able to see new posts in threads next to the chat box, sponsors section, blaster form apparel section to name a few. Cbaber shut down the site for a few days and did tons of work to make this site 10 times better than it was.

Second, since I have been a member of this site 5 moderators, 3 technicians and one admin has been added to the site. We started to have a TON of problems with spamming and people making multiple fake accounts just to cause problems with the site. As moderators we all worked hard to put an end to it. At one point I was banning 3-4 accounts a day because there were so many problems. There are a few different ways that members can get a hold of a mod if they are having problems. Send them a PM, visitor message or just plain report the post or whole thread. When you do that an email is sent out to ever single mod on the site for them to go look at the post and fix it. I for one get maybe one or two "reported post" emails every few weeks if that. If a thread is going sideways and needs to be modded you MUST report it. It is unrealistic to think that any human being has time to read EVERY post in EVERY thread and moderate out the stuff that should not be there. As for me, when I skim through new posts or threads I look for titles that catch my attention. If it just a title that says "need help jetting" I am going to probably skip it because I am going to assume that the thread is saying on topic and needs no moderation. If I see a title that says "lol post all your dirty jokes here" I am going to read the entire thread and keep up on it because I know for a fact that somebody is not going to be able to help them self and start to post up stuff that should not be on a form with 12 year old members. Bottom line if you have a problem with a tread, post or member report it.

Third. As a moderator you really do not have that much power. We can read posts that the regular members have posted and deleted, we have a moderator/admin "office" which is just a chat box that only mods and admin can see and use and we have a thread that is hidden and can only be seen by mods and admin. Other powers include being able to ban people, or give infractions and edit posts. That's about it. There is nothing else really that we can do.

Fourth. The site has been VERY quiet lately. We have not been getting new members like we once were. Also the new members now are not becoming supporting members. This leads to the point that most people have been talking about which is improving the site. Improving the site costs money. If we do not get the supporting members we do not get money. As far as Admin goes, cbaber backs the site and makes it run. He controls the servers, how the site is set up, what gets done on it so on and so fourth. Djack is also admin but has NO power to do any of those changes. Even if he wanted to put a blaster on the top of the forum he couldn't do it. He has very very basic admin powers. If you guys want to see changes in the site you have to be able to come up with a way to fund them. I know how much it costs to run a forum and I can tell you the money that this forum produces from supporting members is not enough to run the forum. This means that the money is coming out of somebody's pocket.

I hope you guys see that the mods and admin are doing the best they can. All of you guys have great ideas but those ideas can not happen over night nor are they free to do. Adding more mods and admin is not going to "fix" the problem described in this thread. As far as a smooth running forum this one is one of the smoothest I have been on. There is no spam posts 100 times a day or constant member bashing. I could see if there was all this stuff going on and nothing being done about it but for the most part I see no major issues with the forum. Bottom line is if there is a problem report it to mods or admin and it will be taken care of to the best of our ability.

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