BTW can cbaber help me with a problem, i cant post in my thread "Latino Blaster" when i try it says HTTP Internal Server error 500
thanks for the compliments about PSJ jeremy.. i'm glad you and others like it over there.. BF does have alot of younger members.. PSJ has very few in the 13-15 range and was originally suppoed to be an 18-up forum but that idea was scrapped (lets be honest.. PSJ is anything but familiy oriented..)I gotta say...there is a lot of knowledge on here. There are only 2 issues that I feel aren't being addressed here, and yes I am a supporting member because I know it costs money to maintain a site as it grows.
1. Usage of cussing. I cuss, to an extent, but we got to remember that this is a "family" oriented site and I for one know if I saw my son post on here with a dirty mouth, i would feel ashamed. I know not all traffic on here can be monitored, but some of it becomes ridiculous. One site i was a member of, and still am, puts characters in place of curse words. That seems more "professional" to me....but that's my opinion.
2. The 15 character limit for posts. Yeh it does get annoying...and I didn't know about the PM rule?
I feel if there could be some kind of moderation in posting, then it would ease up tension and what not. I know not everyone can live on their computers and moderate everything that is happening here, but as 370 has done, and that is dedicate A LOT of time to the forums, then it can be handled. Mods and admins pretty much take an oath to monitor lots of traffic on a site, so be able to keep up with it is all i can say about it.
I am a member of PSJ too, and I must say it is handled professionally there. If they keep the air clear like that, and monitor people who are bashing or being outright...pardon my french...but smartasses, then the site would have some character added to it.
That's just my .02....
thanks for the compliments about PSJ jeremy.. i'm glad you and others like it over there.. BF does have alot of younger members.. PSJ has very few in the 13-15 range and was originally suppoed to be an 18-up forum but that idea was scrapped (lets be honest.. PSJ is anything but familiy oriented..)
i've never been a fan of censorship.. so language useage be it crude sometimes has never been somthing limit very much... that said.. i think it;' great that the admin and mod staff here don't edit out every offensive word possible... i myself have a colorful vocabulary.. haha
IMO Mr. 305 and 4cfed should be boosted up to mods, and Freek and Paulie B should be admins........the liist of mods on the first page of this thread made by liquidsoul was way to long.....305 and 4cfed have been on this forum for a LONG time and have helped ALOT sense there joining of this forum....but thats just my .02
LOL but parents are suppose to monitor what their childre, do i nthe computer8-|![]()
anyways lets face it, all of us young people see/hear more in school than the adult, hell i bet some 12 y/o know more bad stuff than me lol Great work with PSJ btw love it there.
X2 In my opinion yb and liquid shouldnt be mods, nothing agaisnt them but to me they dont have any req. and well nominating yourself is pretty crappy lol but nothing against you guys.
wtf LOL i meant liquid shouldnt be a mod hahaha i kept on mentioning you, let me correct my self:
In my opinion liquid shouldnt be mod, nothing agaisnt him but to me he dont have any req. and well nominating yourself is pretty crappy lol but nothing against you
but yb you still should be mod,lol j/k
I gotta very colorful vocab as well...I was in the Navy and every other word out of my mouth started with "F" and ended in "uck". Ya know...firetruck?
To me you keep the sanity by rules like that, and censoring words like hell and words like that aren't bad. I guess I just carry myself differently now that I look from the outside and see where some roots of the problem comes from. It's like some people not too mature and they get away with the bad mouth, then they will get too comfortable and bash with the rude language. I may be getting too old....hell I dunno!