New Decals PICS*


Can't Stop, Won't Stop!
May 2, 2008
Saskatoon Canada
Well got my new decals in the mail today that i got custom made haha, its different.
Also got 03+ handle bar cover, i super glued a dime over the oil light.
Got my new rim from ITP so putting that on tomorrow. its so much shinier then the rest of them. and a little bit different, not much thou.
and pics of the Trailtech mounted.
also repainted my airscoops and remounted them





i know, thats what i wanted but the blue didnt match very well, i figured the only other color i have is red shocks

also gettin more stickers made, this time it will say 200 then that will be crossed out and 240 written beside it.
hows your endurance hooked up and do you like it?

it was for a 03+ blaster with hydraulic brakes but i took the mount off and glued the magnet to the drug and brought the sensor cable along the front brake cable, this is how it says to hook it up and it worked good.
And i absolutly love this thing, i now no i get sh*tty gas mileage, but i kinda wish i had gotten the vapor but i couldnt pass the deal i got on this up
well one nite i was looking for someone to make me custom stickers so messaged all the guys i found who did it on ebay. most of them didnt want to design or anything but one guy from here in canada was totally down to do them and gave me a good price to.
got outerwears airbox cover today, havent put it on, at the lake, it seemed like the blasty was running good at first then it seemed to bog a little right off idle but good int he upper rpm range.
i figured it was the airfilter because it was gettin pretty dirty so i when i got home i cleaned it up a bit and its still boggin off idle a bit but not as bad. any ideas?
maybe it will make a difference with this airbox cover since i have the old one on there now.
The bike is looking good bro.Keep up the nice work.Are you sure your fellow canadiens are going to approve of the chinese jk
haha i was gonna get some retro style ones made, but then i thought it didnt really go witht he "new look" theme.
then i seen this japanese font and i got it blown up into this