new build/old bike

thanks for the info. I got all the gaskets and everything installed. I noticed some junk coming out of the exaust. so I took the pipe and exaust off, and there was a bunch of sh*t in there (like rust and dirt broke loose from sitting I guess. I had an extra one laying around in good shape with no crumbes in it. swapped that out...

Well its still running like sh*t. Wont idle, and back fires often... Any Ideas. I am going to search now...
Also, just checked the plug and its black, and wet. (rich).

so is my carb maybe dumping to much fuel? I tried adjusting the air screw, and nothing changed at all (it was all the way IN)...

maybe I should throw in the other carb I have laying around. although its filthy! I guess I will go get to cleaning...
get a bucket of parts cleaner and scrub the piss out of most everything... that needs a thorough cleaning my friend. cool project you got there though. just take your time and do it right.
OK. THIS F'ing thing is still running like Sh*t... wont idle seems like kill switch is on below about quarter throttle. just bogs out. backfired a few times today, and is just a pain in the ass.

do you guys think I should order the TORS delete. I removed the electronics, and it seemed better, but today same old stuff. What else should I do?!