New Banner Suggestion Poll

Should we have a "TRUSTWORTHY" banner for response confidence?

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Nice, de-rail your own thread! Have that one hauled out back and flogged with a rubber hose!!! Ok, I'm finished. I'll stay on task...
Edit- after Completely getting what this thread meant, I would like to let it be known, I change my vote! At first, I thought this would be a way to make those who've Done the homework, a point thing like rep. After reading What this idea has Become, I want No part of it.

That's a shame, I was thinking about nominating you as a Trustworthy responder...hmmm, guess I had the wool pulled over my eyes.
No, no, I'm not trust worthy for NOTHING! I have ADVICE, not FACTS! "Technicians" that's what They're here for. I'm your average 'leave me the fu*k out of it' joe!

See, that is just it, you are have advice that isn't going to FUBAR someone's machine. I've seen you post, I've had back and forth with you...that is the exact definition of TRUSTWORTHY. I think that is what people are missing, and I probably should've elaborated in my opening post. This is supposed to be about fellas like you, blaaster, yamaha28, quadrider10...if I miss you I'm sorry, I have CRS...we aren't experts by any means, but we help people diagnose and look into things. We teach them the little things so it isn't wasting a TECHNICIANS time, not that they are on here much to begin with and helping people out with the little things. The list I named, plus a few I can't remember, we never argue with each other, we agree with each other and support and add a "also try this"....that is TRUSTWORTHY. All the banner is for, is to notify a new guy that hey, this fella's advice is trustworthy...they don't have to look up other threads for what the green means, what the rep power stands for, they see the banner and they are given a peace of mind.

Anyhow, like I said 8 hours ago, it's all pissed down the creek now anyhow, so this really has little meaning and I've just wasted another 3 minutes of my time.
well, i would have never let this get off course, nor posted my thoughts on the MIA mods and techs,
had city hall not vetoed this idea, now that i see it is still being legitimately discussed, i will clean this thread up,
i'll expect negative comments on my "trash removal"
Just my 2 cents worth.

I do not believe the amount of green shown in the rep bar is a very good indication as to the trustworthiness of a member.

Often rep is given for sugguesting a colour of paint, posting a vid, other unrelated things, if you get my drift.

I am undecieded about the poll, neither yea, or nay.

If the "Trustworthy" tab was replaced by "Respected" I could be swayed toward, Yea.
what i think we should do is go with the idea, and see what happends. if it turns out too hard to manage, or theres more fight or anything like that, then just reverse it, and pretend it never happeded.
nah, its getting childish! this a a public Forum, period. everybody is entitle to their opinion and their say. its up to the persons ASKING questions to look into the answers others give further to see if theyre talking out their ass or not. you cant blame ANYONE for trying to offer help. or trying to police it, really? on a PUBLIC FORUM??? i voted 'yes' for this thing when i first saw what it was starting out to be, now its become some 'i know more than u' sh*t. i think that we ALL know what ever we know. im no genius, thats a fact, ask my kids! are we all suppose to be card carrying members of the 'be able to give advice' club? ADVICE, Look it up. we offer advice and those who CHOOSE to take it, from someone who has NO post count or REP; Thats on YOU, Homie! Shoulda done your research before you put 2tsp of oil in 5 gallons of gas! grow up gentlemen, EZ, you offer good advice to everyone you can, so do ALL of you guys. lets keep THAT going and not harp on the twerps who KNOW EVERYTHING! "TECHNICIAN" that badge already says these dudes Know their sh*t! all these New Guys asking questions in open forum instead of 'ASK A PRO" kinda deserve what info the get. if i dont know something, i go to a SPECIFIC topic and LOOK for post where SOMEONE has a CLUE! maybe That would be something to add, a GET A CLUE Badge! my 2 cents, take it to the bank or the trash, up to YOU. (See, Choice. its all what You make of it!!!)I:I

I voted no on it because I think it would be unfair. Not having a banner pretty much says your advice is sh*t so no one listen to it. I may have some real good input to give on a project that I have done myself but without the banner, no one will take my advice. I just think it will alienate people that my have good input on something but won't give because they don't have a bannner.
well, i would have never let this get off course, nor posted my thoughts on the MIA mods and techs,
had city hall not vetoed this idea, now that i see it is still being legitimately discussed, i will clean this thread up,
i'll expect negative comments on my "trash removal"

first of all YOU started the trash talk about other mods and tech (many people were on and saw that) you made the dumb implying statements about other members and had you not deleted/edited it all like you do everything you say, everyone would have seen you made a fool of yourself once again

so go ahead and continue to delete any post/thread that you dont agree with I:I great way to abuse your 'new mod power' little buddie I:I
first of all YOU started the trash talk about other mods and tech (many people were on and saw that) you made the dumb implying statements about other members and had you not deleted/edited it all like you do everything you say, everyone would have seen you made a fool of yourself once again

so go ahead and continue to delete any post/thread that you dont agree with I:I great way to abuse your 'new mod power' little buddie I:I

Guy...just stop. Your preaching to an empty pew.

This thread is no longer being discussed on any level...especially an intellectual one. This just forego show that democracy has its flaws. BD7 is the only person that I have read a post from on this thread, that has really come forward with any good explanation as why he voted no....everyone else is acting emotional. This was an attempt to try to help people out, but I see that there is no possible way a suggestion like this could ever be honestly accepted. So, to end the nonsense, I'm going to just save face and close the thread. I hope things will go back to being civilized soon, it's beyond my level of tolerance that is for sure. thanks for the last few months, good luck to everyone with a project.
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