new 70hp atv!!!

Holy crap!! It looks good, but what with that aluminum frame and so many other stock performance goodies, it's not gonna be cheap! There had better be a chain catcher on there if the price tag exceeds $ 8.5K.. :D

I'd like to see some GasGas machines tearing up the trails. They've got an ultra-modern 2-stroker out that looks badass.
man that thing is sweeeeeeeet. really its not that expensive when you think about buying a yfz450 and upgrading almost everything to try to match the performance of that quad
I rode one of these at a Can am demo at lost trails that thing is bad ass. I punched on the first straight away and almost fell off the back not expecting it too have that much power. Power steering full auto on the fly 4 wheel drive. It is a great quad and just awesome for playing around.

i rode a 2 seater 650 outlander v twin at RPM fest near me, those things are cool, they slide nicley for being a long utility with huge XT edition tires, that thing just slid around corners, i was just the passenger cause i was too young, even though i wasn't even suposed to be a passenger, my dad lifted the front wheels on it when we were ridin, we even launched it, they are fun!!!!
dont look at the negative dude, that bike still kicks butt.....admit it, it would kick all our buts, even though its a four joke!!!

Yeah, sorry man. Sometimes I spend more effort trying to disprove something instead of just enjoying it. If you take it at face value, it is a very nice machine.