Never Seen This---Engine Went Out of Control

TORS is thottle override system basically its suppose to detect if the carb gets stuck open then kill the motor, typically it fubars and the quad won't run or will run like crap. Overriding the TORS by cutting the wires is the easiest, this was done to mine before I got, it and I just went today and acutally pulled the wires out of the harness for giggles, and also pulled the wires for the injection tank light and senser and pulled the wire for the tail light, which I kinda wish I didn't incase i decide to add a new one, lol.
I hear ya...I do not like adding gizmos either, it makes no sense why engaging this button at idle cuts off the engine. I am certain it is confined to our Blaster wiring or all Blasters would do this.

Maybe I should snap a pic of what I is not a piece that could ever come loose or rattle around, basically permanent and we rode it all day yesterday without any issues. I have instructed my son to simply pull in the clutch if anything happens and he has been clutch riding for awhile now. Honestly I feel better about this rig than cutting/splicing wires. Also, the throttle is clean, lubed, and functions smoother than some of our other bikes---no binding whatsoever.

Funny you mention...I got into playing on used bikes to show my son a few things...I end up being the primary guy out there sweating in the garage and never notice him disappearing from view when "we" are working together.

man u got a pre 03 which means no cutting no splicing just some easy connectors.

1. follow the wire from the switch in ur throttle housing to a plastic connector. unplug it

2. go underneath the hood and find the small black box on the top right. follow its wires to a 3 prong plastic plug and unplug that.

3. go the the big box on the top of the carb. find a wire coming out of it and follow it to a connector. unplug that.

now whenever you would happen to get stranded, the tors cannot be a problem,