Need help from the Ebay guru's!


New Member
Apr 25, 2009
Poconos, PA
I used to be pretty big into the whole Ebay thing years ago up until my credit card information got stolen, and then I decided to give it a rest for a bit. But, I signed up again over the weekend for Ebay and created a Paypal account to try to get back into it. I've had my eye on a 400ex shock that was pretty cheap and I actually won it.
Needless to say, I was pretty excited until I just tried to make a payment through paypal and there's an error message coming up saying that the seller cannot receive payments through paypal at this time. I don't understand because it says on the listing that he prefers paypal.:-/ I sent him two messages to see what going on, but I don't know if it's something on my part. Anybody else experience this? What am I doing wrong?
Hmm, I don't think he's new, he has a 100% feedback rating. I starting reading the FAQ's on the ebay page and found that I can pay for it directly through paypal, instead of ebay. I just tried that and it still says that he cannot receive payments at this time. I think it's something on his end going wrong. I will wait to see what he says. I will keep everyone posted in case this ever occurs with anyone else.
UPDATE: So he sent me a message saying to send the payment via paypal to his best friends account. Does something sound fishy here? I'm not about to get ripped off again.
yes.... something seems fishy.... his feedback ratings are good? e-mail one of the people who have bought from him and ask if he did this to them.....
So far, we're at a standstill. I told him I didn't feel comfortable with the transaction, and I sent a message to Ebay to see where to go from here. The good thing is atleast I haven't sent him any money yet. Thanks for the help guys, I really appreciate it. This potentially could've been a bad situation.
yeah DO NOT do it , I got ripped for a set of Nerf's on ebay , once the auction ended , all of a sudden " my paypal is messed up " so like a nimrod I paid outside of ebay , I did get his phone and address , sent a MO , never got anything , so now I send him texts and call him at like 3 am his time . One other Idea is tell him to send the shock C.O.D. , so you can inspect it before you accept it . He still gets paid and you don't get ripped off
Ebays good you just gotta be careful. I almost sent money Western Union too someone but a little voice inside my head just told me dont do it.

Just keep an eye out for other shocks the are there all the time.

Oh and the Works shock shown earlier in the thread went for about 125.00 some got a great deal........