National meet

were to meet

  • Silver Lake, MI

    Votes: 15 21.7%
  • Badlands, IN

    Votes: 21 30.4%
  • Little Sahara, OK

    Votes: 6 8.7%
  • Glamis, CA

    Votes: 7 10.1%
  • Hatfield and MCcoy, WV

    Votes: 20 29.0%
  • Killpecker, WY

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
If I happen to be local to where I am when the meet comes around I'd be down for badlands, hatfield mccoy, or silverlake. but I have no clue where I'll be so??? The good thing about silver lake though, is its a bit closer for some of our friends from canuckistan + its huge
im all for silver lake, just need to convince the wife it will be a good trip! but after 7 mos away from her i think i could get away with anything....
i would go with somewhere in the middle of the states just because all the forum users are so spread out my votes LS there is trails to ride on sand drags and just open riding
I like the idea however 16 + hrs for travel is no good for me.Thats 2 wasted days of just driving.All the places mentioned above are too damn far I will be sleeping 3 hrs into the trip.LOL
I like the idea however 16 + hrs for travel is no good for me.Thats 2 wasted days of just driving.All the places mentioned above are too damn far I will be sleeping 3 hrs into the trip.LOL

bro you gotta come dude. everyone needs to come. I know what your saying about driving. I used to drive from Oklahoma to eastern PA in a little over one day. My brother did it in 21 hours straight. Also this trip is so far out that there well be talks of carpooling later on and everything. Theres a bunch of people up your way that want to go also. Carpools are the best for stuff like this. Dont give up so earlier homie, see what comes around in a few months or what not. I:I
bro you gotta come dude. everyone needs to come. I know what your saying about driving. I used to drive from Oklahoma to eastern PA in a little over one day. My brother did it in 21 hours straight. Also this trip is so far out that there well be talks of carpooling later on and everything. Theres a bunch of people up your way that want to go also. Carpools are the best for stuff like this. Dont give up so earlier homie, see what comes around in a few months or what not. I:I

I here you bro but I just got back a few weeks ago from FL and made the drive back to mass in a 22ft moving truck with a full flat bed trailer with a car on back.(moved a friend home)That was a 30 hr drive and killed me,monster stopped helping after the first ten Not to mention the $150 dollars in tolls. We will see where this goes maybe I will.IDK
I here you bro but I just got back a few weeks ago from FL and made the drive back to mass in a 22ft moving truck with a full flat bed trailer with a car on back.(moved a friend home)That was a 30 hr drive and killed me,monster stopped helping after the first ten Not to mention the $150 dollars in tolls. We will see where this goes maybe I will.IDK

just avoid toll roads it will only take about a half hour longer
i ask that everyone keep an open mind

we just started talking about and have lots and lots of time to plan this.

When is this being planned for,next year or this year.Cause winter is going to be here very shortly for me.Either way a forum group ride sounds like a good time.However I am probably one of the elders.LOL
When is this being planned for,next year or this year.Cause winter is going to be here very shortly for me.Either way a forum group ride sounds like a good time.However I am probably one of the elders.LOL

its being planned for next summer. and we could use some old people to smoke in a race lolI:II:II:I:D jk jk
its being planned for next summer. and we could use some old people to smoke in a race lolI:II:II:I:D jk jk

I am not that old If it is being planned for next year then it may work for me we will have to see then.By that time my hybrid blaster should be done also so I will bring 2 of the 4 blasters with me so I can show you young boys how to catch up.LOLjkjk

perhaps next year dude. like summerish prolly. how old are you dude?

You and I are not too far off.I'm 29 or should I say 15 with 14 years