Nation meet ride

2 highest voted places

  • Hatfield & McCoy, West Virginia

    Votes: 15 53.6%
  • Badlands atv park, Indiana

    Votes: 13 46.4%

  • Total voters
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New Member
Jan 17, 2009
ok guys...well most of yall no i dont have ablaster anymore but im doing this for all yall blaster lovers.......there was a national meet thread already were there were many choices on places to ride...well i have picked the 2 highest voted places for the ride to vote on to conclude on the final riding place.....make your vote on Hatefield McCoy or Badlands Atv park

And one thing you blaster freaks can decide is how many days should be spent at these destinations and all that good stuff
Just because someone doesn't own/ride a blaster doesn't mean there not welcome to show up and ride. All blasterforum members are welcome to make the journey and have a good time, even you 4poke guys!
haha thanks stroker....u make us 4 stroke guys feel all warm inside...ahah....and one thing we could be there for is to tow yall 2stroke guys back to camp...haaahh JK
you better be kiddin^^^, haha, i say we should at least stay for a weekend, we should do this on everyones schedual, there are other sites, like psj that plans a trip so i think we should do this trip on a completely different date so us people over on psj can go to their trip too, just sayin, and guess what, now we're tied!!!
blasterboy the psj trip for us on there we likely wont be able to do. there is such a thing known as school that gets in the way. this trip wont be til sometime midsummer if it happens
i would like to head out to west Virginia prolly some time in the summer, rent a u haul truck/van and load up both my quads lol and ride for the week end.
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