My new project !!

heres a pics with the motor



also built a push pole out of 1 inch pipe...saved about 100 bucks building it myself. i bought the head pre made and welded it on


thanks again!! after all the mods i hope to be running atleast 32 to 33 ..that would be nice. ill be building the trailer for it too in about 2 weeks or so.
boats and ho's man boats and ho's have a little rep that boat its to kill for I would never have enough patience or money to want to lol cool boat dont paint it it might ruin it's awesomeness........
o yea how do you keep the front end down on that YZ;):D
well my trip to the performance shop got canceled so i took a little time this weekend and got a little more done.






made a thru hull front spud pole holder

what the hell is that, and why a hole down thru the boat ?????

lmao!!!...... that is what we call a spud pole, think of it like this this.....if you have ever hunted from a boat thats in a couple feet of water and you have 3 or 4 people stand up to shoot at once... the boat will rock and move and throw your shot of big time and make you loose your balance. put the spud pole in and sink it in the mud as far as you can and there is also one that will be at the back of the boat on the opposite side and you sink that one as far as it will go and you will be amazed as how little the boat will move when you stand to shoot or just walk around. its almost as if you have the boat on land its so stabil. the reason why its inside the boat is because its a bigger piece of pipe thats the holder for the pole and if you weld that holder on the outside of the boat it will catch every vine, tree limb or whatever else is there so going to a thru hull is a cleaner look and doesnt catch anything. no water can come through it because its always out of the water.
IC !!!!
and one in front and back make for a good place to hang a camo "tent" ????
we hang some brush and stuff off those poles to help blend in a little bit but for a blind i will be using what they call a shaggy blind. im on a hunting forum and i won it in the christmas contest they had last year. they sent me a frame to use but its a little flimsy so naturally ill be building the frame too. its pretty neat how it works and simple...just pull up the sides and clip em together and roll the shaggy material down and ready to hunt.

heres a link to the blind i have

Shaggy Pro Hunter
got a little more done today, started trimming out the huntdeck. got the corner caps and the back of the false transom in. still have a little more to finish up the huntdeck. capped off the front gunnels finally.



