my life is over

well he wasn't using his noggin when he did thi but but you learned a lesson...whats so bad about that?? well yeah he wont do it again, everyone makes bonehead moves and this is one of them....

that does not mean he isnt going to do it again

hey man if you have a drinking problem you need to get help i dont want to see you on the news for some dumbass move again
Damn that blows but I'm not going to feel bad for you
You should have learned the first time.
You should KNOW not to get into a car while under the influence.
You get what you deserve, and I'm not being a dick about it.
so you have how many DWI's? must be about 3 to lose you liscense for that long even with a laywer.. my opinion.. you didn't get enough... DWI's should be like other laws 3 strikes and your OUT.. at 3 you should lose you liscense FOREVER!!!!! i've got buddies with a DWI.... i don't say "oh man i feel sorry for you" i say "what the f*ck were you thinking?" your lucky you didn't hit an kill someone" when that sh*t happens teh surviving family should be able to get you in a room.. just you, the father, and a ball peen hammer......
Wow thats crazy my friends brother is 19 and got his 2nd dui and he only lost his license for 1 year and he gets his work license and hes only on probation for 6 months and at the same time they caught him for dui they got him for paraphernelia possession also
so you have how many DWI's? must be about 3 to lose you liscense for that long even with a laywer.. my opinion.. you didn't get enough... DWI's should be like other laws 3 strikes and your OUT.. at 3 you should lose you liscense FOREVER!!!!! i've got buddies with a DWI.... i don't say "oh man i feel sorry for you" i say "what the f*ck were you thinking?" your lucky you didn't hit an kill someone" when that sh*t happens teh surviving family should be able to get you in a room.. just you, the father, and a ball peen hammer......

chris what is it with you and these perfect descriptions and answer's and other helpful sh*t>>haha rep's for u
awfully harsh what some are saying , yeah hopefully you learn your lesson sucks u gotta sell your toy , but everyone makes mistakes , take some longer to learn than others best of luck in court man
It sucks that you got caught DWI but i'm not gonna feel sorry for you just like all the other people, not trying to be a dick but now you have to live knowing that you could have killed somebody and luckily you didn't. Lifes a biotch hopefully you learned your lesson this time. All of this just because you weren't thinking with your dipstick I:I
i noticed he hasnt posted back guessing he didnt get the response he hoped for....i doubt anybody is going to feel bad for you. thats a serious offense, and you did it more than once. drinking and driving is dumb. hands down, no doubt dumb. people shouldnt pity a dumb decision. sorry, but its the truth. sorry it had to come to you selling your toy, but thats called consequences my friend. you f*ck up, you gotta pay the price. hopefully that motivates you to fix your problem (if indeed you have one, which you may seeing as you've made the same mistake more than 1 time) and to not have this happen to you......again.

people wont feel sorry for you for this. thats obvious. on the other hand, people will support your rehabilitation. because thats what they want you to do, thats what you SHOULD do. things like that shouldnt happen more than once. hell shouldnt even be 1 time. youre just lucky it wasnt worse, like everyone else is saying.....youre alive, nobody got hurt or died. you could be in prison for vehicular manslaughter, or be getting sued for damages and hospital bills.

i know alcohol will mess with your head and cloud your thinking, but IF you decide to drink again....USE YOUR HEAD! get a ride, or a cab. in your case tho, probly best you dont drink anymore. get help.

good luck and god bless you. i hope you learned your lesson this time.
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