My Jeep

Its no problem man, my grandpa is gonna help me do it tomorrow if I have the time to stop up there, hes even buying the parts. Gotta love grand parents
I'm not gonna go to hardcore on it until I get a lift and some AT tires, its got firestone street tires on it.
blasta dasha thanks for the info on the tire sizes wasn't sure if i would be able to fit 31s under it stock

yeah no problem bro. let me know if you have any problems with anything.. but the jeepsunlimited forum is pretty good to.
Well here it is guys hope you like

nice EP man, I:I:p
All I have to say about nissans is f**ck that, same with toyotas, biggest pieces of sh*t ever made in my mind. I'm an all american guy, i will never own any foreign car in my life. Yotas and nissans are for idiots who cant afford a jeep in my mind

you my friend are arrogant... domestic trucks just aren't reliable and ever since chrysler bought jeep, they went down hill quick... dont get me wrong, i'm patriotic as hell and support my country to its fullest (im in the naval reserves) but there is no way you'd get me behind the wheel of some of stuff the big 3 makes

how bought you grab your "awesome" jeep and ill take my DD frontier thats locked front and rear and then go to rausch creek off road park... guarantee your jeep wont make it on even some of the greens.. haha trail rated? pure BS.. maybe on a fire road

its people like you that make jeep what it is... full of assholes that think their sh*t don't stink... i used to have a cherokee as well... but went nissan because they are a much more friendly group to wheel with and they dont bash other makes... plus i went through trannys on my old jeep every outing.. it was a piece and i was sick of dumping money into it
Ok your gonna call me arrogant when you don't buy American and support your own country. Ya your patriotic all right, about as patriotic as a chinese dude.
Dude my jeep is stock right now so obviously it wouldn't make it in Rausch Creek quit acting stupid. Calling me an ahole when you don't even know a damn thing about me, just another hardass behind a computer. I simply stated my opinion about nissans because you are the one who brought it up, am I not allowed to make fun of your nissan yet you made fun of my jeep by saying every pussy has one. Do you think your better than me because you have a nissan. It's a 2 way street man, you make fun of my stuff I'll make fun of yours. My father works for GM so i will always buy American, he is also in the air force reserves and i plan to join the air force when i am of age. So don't be calling people assholes if you don't even know them
Ok your gonna call me arrogant when you don't buy American and support your own country. Ya your patriotic all right, about as patriotic as a chinese dude.
Dude my jeep is stock right now so obviously it wouldn't make it in Rausch Creek quit acting stupid. Calling me an ahole when you don't even know a damn thing about me, just another hardass behind a computer. I simply stated my opinion about nissans because you are the one who brought it up, am I not allowed to make fun of your nissan yet you made fun of my jeep by saying every pussy has one. Do you think your better than me because you have a nissan. It's a 2 way street man, you make fun of my stuff I'll make fun of yours. My father works for GM so i will always buy American, he is also in the air force reserves and i plan to join the air force when i am of age. So don't be calling people assholes if you don't even know them

It's only a statement kiddo, hence the tongue face after it, im sure you've herd that pussy saying before. So no need to get your pantys in a bunch.

By the way, calling me "not patriotic" is such a hypocritical statement (you know what that means right?). Do you realize how many things that you purchase and use everyday that aren't made in this country? So basically, im gonna call BS on you supporting your country the next time you buy gas at a gas station (that money goes to Saudi Arabia) or when you go get an aftermarket part for your jeep (made in China most likely). Also, Nissan headquarters is now located in Tennessee... so yes... they are made in America ;)

I dont think im better then you, i do however think you need to get your facts straight..
If I could buy gas produced in this country I would, but I can't due to the government wanting to use foreign oil thats out of my hands I don't have choice in that. Although if I could run E85 I would because that is produced in America. I would buy American everything if there were more things made in this country but there isn't so I can't buy it.
I'm pretty sure the lift I plan on going with which is Iron rock offroad is made in America.
And yes I know what hypocritical is I'm not your average dumbass teenager which you probably think I am.
this weekend, some dude in a stock grand cherokee, just had a 2" spacer with 33s climb devils backbone at haspin without a problem.

also about the whole made in america.

most parts on cars are china made.
toyota and nissan both have a US headquarters and build and make US only models.
there really isn't a domestic car company any more.
ford and chevy both build cars in mexico and canada.
guess that shows just how good jeeps really are lol, but he must have done a lot of trimming to fit those 33s under there
Nice. Now you call Iron Rock and get the 3.5" kit and some 31's or 32's and do the exhaust. Keep ahead so the rust doesn't eat it alive. Ohio has more salt that any other place in the universe...And yank that bumper cover out so it looks wicked...Then you only have 1 million other projects you can do with it. My '94 was tough. Never have a better vehicle than a Jeep.