my first blaster


New Member
Mar 6, 2013
oxford N.S. canada
this is what im starting with its a 96. it runs but has a motor knock im thinking crank bearings. please let me know what you guys think. i want it for trail riding. but i need it to keep up with 400 ex's. what would be the best set up for me.


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this is what im starting with its a 96. it runs but has a motor knock im thinking crank bearings. please let me know what you guys think. i want it for trail riding. but i need it to keep up with 400 ex's. what would be the best set up for me.

Welcome aboard!You've got a good start there! 400 EX's won't be a problem.
Seeing that you are going to be going through it anyway,and you have to take the cylinder and head off to do the bottom end anyway,I would suggest a good quality pipe and having the cylinder ported and your head re-chambered. This will effectively double your power output and will work great with the stock carb or after market carb. You will still have total reliability with proper jetting. It even works perfectly with oil injection.

I suggest that you resist spending money on useless crap like boost bottles,stickers and decals,twist throttles,etc. Put your hard earned money where it counts.

Porting and head re-chambering is where the power is at...that and a good pipe and silencer.
You will be VERY happy with the outcome.

Pipes like FMF Fatty,Toomey B1,DMC Alien (my favorite),etc will work great!!!

Honda 400 EX's are NO PROBLEM!
i have looked at port and polish. but i have a few questions will it affect the reliability of the motor and what is re-chambered. also should i just put crank bearings in it or should i get a new crank too.
i have looked at port and polish. but i have a few questions will it affect the reliability of the motor and what is re-chambered. also should i just put crank bearings in it or should i get a new crank too.

Sorry but cannot answer that question as the condition of the crank cannot be acertained in Cyberspace.

If it is poor, replace it, if it comes up to specs run it.

Your call.
thanks i check out the website that what ill do. now what should i do about shocks i can get 300ex front and back for nothing but im not sure if it will make it too soft the trails can be pretty rough around here lol
I don't think the 300 ex shocks work on a Blaster. You can use a 400ex,Z 400 rear shock on the back of the Blaster with Ken OConner upper mounting bushings. You can look for used Works shocks or go with Banshee front shocks. You will get mixed reviews on the banshee shocks. I felt an improvement with my Banshee shocks do to having flipped front rims and setting the springs on the lowest setting.
so today i was out for a rip and she sized up solid i got it home put some oil down the spark plug hole. i took the very top of my motor and i would say the rings are f*cked there was some metal shavings in there too. my question is could the noise the motor was making just have been piston slap.
Guess you'll find out what was making the noise, along with whatever else broke.

Slapping pistons usually break the skirt off, which falls down into the lower crank case, where it gets smashed through the case by the crank/rod.

Post some pics of the carnage.
Give ken occonor a call. You will not be disapointed. Just tell him what kind of riding you do and what your budget is and he will recommend a great setup for you. He has done all my motor work and they are amazing.
oo wellllll id swap out the crank for a vitos +3 its like $20 more than a regular crank bt more power and do a top end port/polish then get a dmc or toomey pipe and youll blow the doors of those pesky 400ex's on the trails and have plenty of reliability
this is what im starting with its a 96. it runs but has a motor knock im thinking crank bearings. please let me know what you guys think. i want it for trail riding. but i need it to keep up with 400 ex's. what would be the best set up for me.

By the look of the pics I would bet a penny to a pinch of Doggie Doo, that the noise you heard was detonation caused by a lean mixture..
ok I got the top end of it and there wasn't even a base gasket in it. I got the cylinder all cleaned up now. ill have some pics up today. thanks for the info about porting. but Im going to stick with stock for now.