my build is about to begin

nice... a stroker build-up. Just curious, how much does a used +3 go for, if you mind telling what you paid?
well i bought it for 100 bucks, looks clean, the bearings look good, no strange wear on them, the tapered shafts look good. i think it will work great...thanks is my topend, a lil more time to hustle up some bread for that...
Look'n good, man. Once you get that motor done, it should run like a completely different animal. Might be a good time to add an adjustable stator plate and advance the timing about 4* too.
I've heard that the billet stator plates are the way to go. The cast ones end up cracking from the vibrations. As far as coils and cdi's, I can't help you there. I'm running stock ones.
Easier way of stripping the paint off your frame....go to Advance auto parts....if you got one in your area....theres this gallon jug of stripper. It comes in a white jug....forgot the name of it....but that stuff is super strong. Wipe it on with a brush and watch the paint bubble right off! I did that to a guy's frame I had to powder coat awhile back....stuff works really good tho. Avoid getting it on your arms or sensitive areas and use well ventilated area. If you do get it on your skin, put under water or keep a wet rag handy and wipe off til you get to a water hose because it burns really bad! I had a frame stripped in a day...

Good stroker build. I am going the same route