my build is about to begin

ya i think im gonna use like 1/8th'' plate. just simple triangular gussets on the subframe, and where ever i see fit i guess. try to be kinda reasonable, i dont want a ton of plate welded everywhere all heavy. i still dont know if i want to paint my swing arm the same color as the frame or just leave it sliver. any thoughts?
when i did my frame red, i left the swinger and a-arms silver, but after puttin 'em on didnt like it, so took 'em back off and blacked 'em out, looks better, imo
yea i wish id do that but ive only had mine for a month and ill probaly do it next year or so im planning on keepin this bike for obout 5 or plus years so it will need it some time hoy do you keep the the paint from comin off were your legs rub??
well guys, i started taking the blaster apart finally, ive been lazy lately. i got all plastics, all the electrical harness and controls, exhaust and carb, just the minor stuff, heres my progress. next couple days, swinger, motor, steering stem, a arms and shocks. . . its amazing the stuff you find wrong with your machine when you start a frame off build, i got a huge crack on my seat tube, i gotta weld that up, then gussets, and paint. then comes diamond j kit and yfz's front and rear...


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mycrank came in the mail yesterday, im stoked, one more part knocked off my extensive list...:o

got some more stuff coming, i welded my frame up, im still stripping paint with a wire brush on a grinder...more pics coming soon! ive been busy
ur gonna love that stroker man, nasty throttle response and quick high revs but did the crank come with the bearings on it?? can you get them off