My Brothers Car Crash.


Sep 4, 2009
My brother crashed his 2002 Ford Escape. It's a shame... it had all kinds of new parts. We were going to get new tires for it a week after this happened, but it was too late for it. He was fine, didn't have a mark on him. He just got a new truck (2005 Escape) and just Friday hit a deer with it and did a decent amount of damage... Driving isn't his thing lol.





Oh, and if anyone cares, I'm the one looking in the window. Yeah, Hippy hair. I:I

dude, get a haircut. Lol, j/k!
Those are some nice pics, how'd he roll it?

Haha, my hair is short in them pics. At the begining of the school year I got 5 inches cut off... that was some long hair.

He went around the turn up the road too fast, lost control, slid into that hill and flipped. It was a rainy day...
damn that sucks my bro crashed his sv650 this summer coming to work a bus pulled out in front of him the bike got a little banged up he got road rash all up his side from his cut off shirt broke his collar bone had to get surgery and get the biggest plate they made put in his shoulder with 10 screw's and collapsed a lung. every other day he wore his jacket but the temp was perfect for just a shirt turns out to be the day he crashe's and scares my whole family.
damn that sucks my bro crashed his sv650 this summer coming to work a bus pulled out in front of him the bike got a little banged up he got road rash all up his side from his cut off shirt broke his collar bone had to get surgery and get the biggest plate they made put in his shoulder with 10 screw's and collapsed a lung. every other day he wore his jacket but the temp was perfect for just a shirt turns out to be the day he crashe's and scares my whole family.

Yeah... never get over confident. Crashes aren't cool...