So today me and my friend had a hea don crash, basically there I was coming out of the track he was coming in, we were the only people there and so was pushing it a little coming in and out, went round the blind corner and guess where my friend was of all the places? YUP! on his way towards me! So, we hit the brakes, loose gravel, wet .. sliding towards each other, I was in about 3rd on the blasty.. i could see we were about to hit head on so i swerved.. and the back end pulled towards him and we hit, his quad flipping over and in the air about 4 foot.. i went flying but since i wear proper gear I was fine.. only damage to hsi quad was a puncture.. I got a fair bit of damage to the blaster but could of been ALOT LOT WORSE!!
Heres some pics I:I
So far, from what I can see the damage is: Spindle, wheel, bumper not sure if anything else untill i clean it up and have a look, I was having a look around at prices to fix it.. i was looking at around £250/$392 .. parts are very expensive in the UK :/
So guess what I did?
I picked this up for £400/$628 .. Thats half the price of a running one over here..
The story of it is: the piston skirt shattered so they did a bottom end rebuild and now all it needs is the piston and rear caliper, bore looks good, but my plan is for now the put my engine in and run it for a while, then build 1 GOOD blaster out of the 2 and then build a 2nd out of whats left.. I have a few spares in my garage already.. So now after 300miles round trip, from 10pm to its now 6:48am .. im going to get some sleep! lol
EDIT: Something I want to check is, it may just be me being tired and late at night.. BUT the ports looked very clean and bigger than mine! so Ill be checking them out tomorrow!
Heres some pics I:I

So far, from what I can see the damage is: Spindle, wheel, bumper not sure if anything else untill i clean it up and have a look, I was having a look around at prices to fix it.. i was looking at around £250/$392 .. parts are very expensive in the UK :/
So guess what I did?

I picked this up for £400/$628 .. Thats half the price of a running one over here..
The story of it is: the piston skirt shattered so they did a bottom end rebuild and now all it needs is the piston and rear caliper, bore looks good, but my plan is for now the put my engine in and run it for a while, then build 1 GOOD blaster out of the 2 and then build a 2nd out of whats left.. I have a few spares in my garage already.. So now after 300miles round trip, from 10pm to its now 6:48am .. im going to get some sleep! lol
EDIT: Something I want to check is, it may just be me being tired and late at night.. BUT the ports looked very clean and bigger than mine! so Ill be checking them out tomorrow!