My boy rolled his quad

Yesterday My boy rolled his quad. He has a little 110cc and he was trying to ramp it. He decided to try and do a powerslide right as he landed and we all know how that works. He really suprised me though, he got up flipped the quad back on its wheels(with a little help)and after the handle bars got straightened he was ready to go againI:I He's really pushing that little thing hard now after getting back on it he almost rolled it a few more times but never let up soon I'm going to have to get him a bigger quadI:I
haha thats funny, my dad when i was younger rigged up this throttle stopper thing.
on my snomobile , it was a 440 liquid cooled cat
it clamped to the handlebars and stopped the throttle from being pushed in all the way.
i figure out how to slid it over and open her up, i was only 8 years old
haha thats funny, my dad when i was younger rigged up this throttle stopper thing.
on my snomobile , it was a 440 liquid cooled cat
it clamped to the handlebars and stopped the throttle from being pushed in all the way.
i figure out how to slid it over and open her up, i was only 8 years old
Thats funny man. We had a go kart when I was little, but my dad didn't put a throttle stop on it. Instead he showed me how to bypass the governor by reaching behind me and holding it open with my hand. If you did that it would go about 35mph. One day I was out riding it with my friend, he was driving and I was standing on the back holding the throttle open because he was afraid to reach back and grab it (it was right by the very hot muffler) so I got it up to speed and put his hand onto the linkage. It was at this point things went south. I told him to hold it wide open and I would jump off to take the extra weight off so it would go faster, I would just jump off and run really fast till I got slowed down. That was the day that I learned that I cant run 35mph. I took two steps probably about 25 feet each then fall.......and bounce......and tuck......and bounce.....and roll and bounce...oh good those big rocks will stop me!!! but not before I went off course and through the ditch!=)) So I guess I have to say that my son gets it honest
i did that with my gokart too than i fugured out than a shorter spring dont need to burn your hand :)