my blaster with yfz a-arms and shocks in progress


New Member
Nov 29, 2014
This is my 2002 blaster that i had for a while it has trenga racing hydro rear brake kit, trenga extended swing arm ,works rear shock, prm rear grab bar,dg front bumper, and trenga nerf bars. This is a hard process to do without math skills and fabrications skills. I followed blaner's steps on how to do this. And yes i am the one who was going to use a yfz widening kit on my build but i decided it would work better to build custom brackets. I started by shaving the brackets off. Then i tacked the bottom bracket to the right position. Next i made the brackets and tacked them on. Now i have to make top brackets.
Word of advice, disconnect you electrical if you haven't done so already. The mig welder will fry your brain box. It might not but better to be safe than sorry.
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Lookin good. :D Can you post some up closer pics so if and when other do this mod they can have a better idea on the detail that is needed.
Hook up your spindles and upper arms, pull your shocks, set the suspension at what might be ride height, set your caster and camber that way and than tack your upper mounts to the frame.
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Hook up your spindles and upper arms, pull your shocks, set the suspension at what might be ride height, set your caster and camber that way and than tack your upper mounts to the frame.
that will probably be the way to go for that part of the fitment. Thats pretty much what i did to the bottom mounts
That is when i cut off the mounts
The second one is after i cut and rewelded it


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Another word of advice, get some flat stock and weld it in between the frame rails. Since you removed the a arm mount box, you lost some rigity and the frame will flex way to easy.
Looks to me as if your front end will be pretty high off the ground. i would check that before you go further, possibly have to move shock mounts on the frame
nice work so far, kudos for the nads to attempt this :)
Forget my last post, somewhat. I see what you did with that lower mount. Very hard to see it in the pic. You still will want to re enforce the frame behind the mount. Stock frames are weak there to begin with and now you moved the mount.
When i finish the lower mounts i will show you what the previous racer did to the frame for extra support. It goes along the whole center of frame
Bad idea it is more complex then that you have to do all sorts of math if you do the top front mount and it is right you drill the hole for the back upper mount and then tack it to the frame
this is what the prevuous racer did for extra support on the bottom of frame so i just rewelded it back on their. The next picture is what the top and bottom a-arm looks like when it is put together. Exactly the same as what tge yfz450 looks like.