ok so im going to start to prep the frame etc for paint.... correct me if im wrong and maybe if someone could fill in some blanks..
1) clean everything really good ( soap/water or some sort of chemicals? )
2) wet sand the piss outta the frame ( what grit?)
3) let it dry and hit it with a primer ( krylon maybe? or something else)
4) let that dry and hit it with a few coats of color ( krylon again i assume)
5) dry..then wet sand again and then hit with last coat of color
6) dry then hit with clear coat getting all the places where it rubs the most)
7) dry then wet sand it a little... then more clear coat??
would i be smart to put some sort of grip tape or something on the spots where my legs will rub the most or just put extra clear..and if the clear starts to come away... add more clear coat??
Thanks for following my build guys... helps to have some people to bounce stuff off of..
even if i try to do a really good job with the shakers..... i have a friend who is a painter... he paints kitchens all day long..and i know his dad owns the shop.. but im not sure if he is equipped to do auto stuff as well.. now if im gonna pull a favour on him to paint this thing to continue to keep the costs down.. is there a brand of paint i should be asking if he can spray?? maybe i should be calling to see what it costs to get it powdercoated... i assume $2-300 for everything??