My 10 point


New Member
Aug 19, 2009
central pa

Well yesterday about 1 o'clock my dad decides to put a drive on for me on my friends property and about 30 minutes later i turn around and hear leaves crunching and there he was with 2 doe, i shot him while he was trotting kind of so it was a bad shot but i wasn't passin him up..... 18 inch spread 10 point not sure what it scored probably not that great but its still pretty big lol.
congrats, nice buck bro, wished i could see sumthin here in rifle, passed up sooooo many 4 and 6 points in archery, and also miss judged my yardage on a huge one, i shot 30yrds and he was more like 50 when i got down, i judged the size of the body not the yardage,
i think thats the big 9 my bro got last day of archery
now i havn't seen sh*t, a little spike first day, dont seem to be anyone out there gettin them movin
yea, well since ur in pa u still got next week for rifle but i hate the late archery here cuz theyre all skittish from bein shot at all rifle but i was out monday... didn't see sh*t, i was out tuesday n didnt see sh*t n then on thursday i went out n didnt see sh*t but im happy im done for the year haha
Not a bad deer but just think of how good it would have been next year. Just remember next year... You'll never kill a REALLY good buck if you don't let the ones like that one live a couple of more years, but I understand. It's hard when your young to hold off on a deer like that. This will be my third year without anything (I shot one this year but never found it) but I seen 3 different bucks that come next year are going to be in the 150 inch plus range. Anyways, congrat on the buck this year.
not bad.....its got the nice looking crab claw tines at the end of the main beam....nice buck...i havent shot one yet...i let a 4 pointer walk earlier rifle season...i regret not shooting that deer but i was hoping for a bigger one and ended up not seein anything else...its late bow season here now and then muzzleloader comes back in dec. 12.......our seasons go, Bow-Early Muzzleloader-Rifle-Late bow-Late muzzleloader
if you pass them up you are letting someone else having a chance of getting it lol nice deer mine looks a bit bigger butyou got 1 point on me

You are right to a point... if you don't give them time to grow then your chances of ever killing a really good buck are slim. It also depends on the area you have to hunt. If you place to hunt isn't really big and all your neighbors shot anything that walks then it's hard to let them walk. I guess I'm lucky to have a good area to hunt. My land borders 1700 acers of unhunted ground that is the buffer zone for the dump, and I've got a 300 acer plus farm on each side of me that are hunted by friends that let then grow when they need to.
You are right to a point... if you don't give them time to grow then your chances of ever killing a really good buck are slim. It also depends on the area you have to hunt. If you place to hunt isn't really big and all your neighbors shot anything that walks then it's hard to let them walk. I guess I'm lucky to have a good area to hunt. My land borders 1700 acers of unhunted ground that is the buffer zone for the dump, and I've got a 300 acer plus farm on each side of me that are hunted by friends that let then grow when they need to.

well only me and the landowner hunt the land and its like the whole side of the mountain that he owns and theres plenty of other deer thatll be nice and big next year in his trail cam theres been 3 different 8 points and over 5 different spike bucks and a couple different 4 points just in the food plot i hunt around so next year should be good
you definitely should, its pretty much my main hobby i'm always in the woods scouting or hunting

Yep, nothing like going for a walk in the woods when there is nothing else to do.. I went out today and looked around some for late muzzeloader season here in KY comes in this weekend. Deer and Turkey are my 2 main things I love to hunt but now my 8 year old is getting into it so I'll start doing a lot of small game hunting with him. He killed his first deer last year and hasn't got anything yet this year.
Yep, nothing like going for a walk in the woods when there is nothing else to do.. I went out today and looked around some for late muzzeloader season here in KY comes in this weekend. Deer and Turkey are my 2 main things I love to hunt but now my 8 year old is getting into it so I'll start doing a lot of small game hunting with him. He killed his first deer last year and hasn't got anything yet this year.

When your 8 year old got his deer did he have to use ur tag or could he get his own because in PA if you take a child under 12 years old they have to use the adults tag.
a nice buck man.. i passed a 6 pointer up thinking there would be something else but havnt seen a damn thing i have these city people by me shooting anything.. they shot 2 fawns in bow season and just left them. i sure regret not pulling the trigger on that 6