My 10 point

not bad.....its got the nice looking crab claw tines at the end of the main beam....nice buck...i havent shot one yet...i let a 4 pointer walk earlier rifle season...i regret not shooting that deer but i was hoping for a bigger one and ended up not seein anything else...its late bow season here now and then muzzleloader comes back in dec. 12.......our seasons go, Bow-Early Muzzleloader-Rifle-Late bow-Late muzzleloader

If you are the four stroke army you should give me (THE TWO STROKE ARMY) your 85-86 ATC 250R LOL:D
When your 8 year old got his deer did he have to use ur tag or could he get his own because in PA if you take a child under 12 years old they have to use the adults tag.

Nope, here in KY anyone under the age of 12 doens't have to get a hunting license or Deer permit and can kill either 1 buck or 1 doe... If they kill 1 buck they can get a doe tag for I think $10. After 12 they can buy a Sportsmans license that gets them deer, turkey and bird permits for $25 a year. I don't know about other states but here in KY we are only allowed to kill 1 Buck a year but in the County I live in can kill as many does as I want to pay for.. You get 1 Buck/doe tag and 1 doe tag then you can get 2 extra doe tags for I think $10 or $15 I can't remember. But one reason I'm so picky with what I shoot is I only get 1. I know some states like Tenn you can kill 3 or 4 bucks in 1 year.