mx vs. atv reflex


New Member
Jan 25, 2009
claremore, OK
Dudes you guys gotta get this game. Its pretty badass. I have it on the 360 and its awesome. You can customize your quads with name brand stuff. And the gameplay is great as well.
i have it on ps3. i wish they would have added 2 stroke quads, and more quad classes like 200cc,300cc,400cc,700cc etc.... but i love how you can slide and make berms its so realistic.
not sure on the 250r just got the game last night.

For some reason I saw the reviews on the ps3 were really bad and the reviews on the 360 were really good.

Wonder what the difference is?
yea my friend bought that game the day it came out and its sick.they have 2 stroke bike but not wheelers.and the track stay messed up as the more laps go.only thing thats hard a first is using both analog sticks at the same time
No it has 125 and 250 2 stroke dirtbikes.

The quads are all 4 stroke 450's and a feew 400's. Then it has baja trucks and buggies and I think it might have like razers and stuff.
ps3 all the way!! also got a new sony bravia 32" tv and mx vs. atv looks awesome!! but it should look even better when my hdmi cable comes in! btw guys if you need a hdmi cable DO NOT BUY A EXPENSIVE HDMI CABLE, just go to HDMI Cable, Home Theater Accessories, HDMI Products, Cables, Adapters, Video/Audio Switch, Networking, USB, Firewire, Printer Toner, and more! and get what you need. because i read everywhere about them and any person or expert will tell you the expensive cable is a ripoff.
I got it's the best on ps3 I got me a ktm450 they are the shyt dude. I customize all up. Ilove to do the donuts and wheelies I 12 o'clock it all day and night on the ktm and the mx lites and mx dirtbikes... The game is sick eryone got to get it
well, i might get it, i might not have the money though, i have to mount my tires and seat cover so that will run e 40 bucks, so i won't have enogh of my christams money for it.