Now that looks ALOT better. Nice job noob, heres some rep for ya!
giggidy, thanks dude!! I:I check back tomorrow i will have the hole covered and everything cleaned up I:I
Now that looks ALOT better. Nice job noob, heres some rep for ya!
i love it scoober....looks 10x better, makes it more proportionate for sure
have some green dude
Looks slick NOOB, I was thinkin' of movin mine back as well, but still toying with the left over rear section and how to cover. Like what Freek did, and Batt's is nice too, but wanted something original of my now, still throwing it around. But, lookin' good NOOB, good job.
AND, as far as the lower cuts, think you should shape um out a bit more(I went real shapey with the Dremel), here is a pic of how I did mine, removing the outside trim, etc, I like's it!!!!! (minus my new 450 heelguards/yeah like urs, haha, will get some updated pics soon)
looks perrrrrrfect dude, u almost cant tell thats its even there, and man it makes the blasty look 100x times better like that, i get to do the same thing today, but im cutting up an extra rear fender that we have, mine is pretty beat up lol
I'm confused, (or blind) but I don't see where the plex is, but either way it still looks awesome.
I had my seat off today and I'm still scratching my head how you did it lol.
Now if only there was a way to move the front fenders forward, then I'd be a happy camper lol!!!