more new toys

being a dick takes skill, right there i made you wonder what my sexual experiences include, now you want to know what they are. see, i was being a dick.
being a dick takes skill, right there i made you wonder what my sexual experiences include, now you want to know what they are. see, i was being a dick.

I know dude, your the fuggin man.
Obviously, ya got bigger issues as you need to post your "toy" list so people think your cool, all good bro, your the man, at least the kids think so...

A grown man posting a show off list for the kids, come on dude, back to work...

Its all good bro, we will entertain ya for a little bit more, have fun while it lasts.
i was asked what toys i had, i didn't make a thread posting it. if you would read you would see it.
also i have offered people to ride them if they come to haspin for a ride, just fly into cincy and you could ride one.
well not anyone of them, just the back up ones.
I know dude, your the fuggin man.
Obviously, ya got bigger issues as you need to post your "toy" list so people think your cool, all good bro, your the man, at least the kids think so...

A grown man posting a show off list for the kids, come on dude, back to work...

Its all good bro, we will entertain ya for a little bit more, have fun while it lasts.

We all show off to some extent, shee does it more than others but hey. Why do we post pics of our blasties and such, to be appreciated, now this matters more to some than other, but i like showing people what i got too... just saying

and nice toys shee
We all show off to some extent, shee does it more than others but hey. Why do we post pics of our blasties and such, to be appreciated, now this matters more to some than other, but i like showing people what i got too... just saying

and nice toys shee

Yeah Whitty, agree.

But the difference between you and Shee is you are positive, pleasant and rarely negative. Shee doesn't think before he talks, and there are alot of kids on this forum that really do not need to hear some of the things he says. Nor do new members need to be criticized in their welcome/noobie threads, etc, which has happended more than a few times. Constructive criticism is one thing but being a fugger is another.

I actually kinda like Shee, only cause he is a MF'er, much like myself, and yeah he has some cool a$$ stuff and kinda knows a thing or two, once in a while. Also I have read plenty of good and valuable info posted from him. I cannot say that out loud though due to tryin' to keep my point and support the forum for what it is, and it IS for the kids too. oops!!! :-)

Shee just needs to TRY to be a nice guy, once in a while, time and place for everything, ya know???

Of course we all like a little recognition once in a while. a pat on the back, an ooh aaaah about one of our toys, etc. We are only human. BUT, he needs to pay up and support our forum, so we can appreciate his fag a$$ presence once in a while... LOL

I just didn't have anything else to break his balls about, on such short notice. He is a QUICK DICK, haha...

All outta fun, and we are all Blastee Bro's, even dick a$$ Shee, well once he scores another Blaster project. I:I
never posted a thread like this. just made threads when i got a new toy.
when i got the blaster and cannondale, made a thread about my banshee, when i got the zilla, and when i got the 400ex and rm
never posted a thread like this. just made threads when i got a new toy.
when i got the blaster and cannondale, made a thread about my banshee, when i got the zilla, and when i got the 400ex and rm

I gotta say that Zilla caught my eye, now that was a great grab.
I had plenty of seat time on one of those, a bud of mine has 2, they are beast.
that is the second zilla, third 500 suzuki, plan on getting another zilla this friday.

I know fu**head, you already said that, trading the BB shee. (see, I read your thread)
Where the F are you finding all these Zilla's???

And, who is letting them go for parts bike prices anyway?
i had my first one since senior year of high school (05) sold it like 2 years ago. my brother had an lt250 (built) found a lthyrbid frame and motor and got it, then just swapped parts (he maybe has like 2K total into his Lthybrid), found the last one on craigslist and got it, and the one i am getting is getting traded for the banshee.
my brother built the 404 a long time again, it is just a big bore and that is raelly about it.
my banshee is pretty much brand new and actually built. i have well over 4K close to 5K into it. dont think i am going to sell it. that is my money pit.

