might be trading the blaster


New Member
Aug 13, 2009
well my friend has a 1999 polaris scrambler 500 4x4 that he is selling. he just put a new starter on it. all it needs is a chain. he agreed to trade that for my blaster + $300. i do mostly trail/mud anyways so the 4x4 would be great
does this sound like a good trade?
lol, COMPLETELY different bike...it's an odd jump if you ask me! You can't be nearly as aggressive on those as you can on something like a blaster...or even if you upgraded to a 400/450.

my .02
Me and a bunch of my friends on blasters were riding one day and this kid on a polaris tought he would be cool and jumped this hill and broke his head wide open after rolling 4 times. That was the day Not only did i start wearing a helmet but started bringing my video recorder ! lol

I guess it depends what your into man. I personally Love playing in the mud with my blaster. And wouldn't even Trade it for the biggest baddest 4X4 there is I:I Thats just me.
It's a good trade if you NEED 4 wheel drive where you ride.If your Blaster can go all the places that you ride,I would keep the Blaster.Parts are cheaper,it's faster and you have great support for your Blaster on here.
Well kinda like said. If you need a 4x4 sure go for it, but if you don't then no way trade a sport quad for one of those heavy turds.
We have a 4x4 and its great it does what its supposted to do, plow snow and pull dead cars around. And it rides like a cloud compard to my blaster, but as a trail runner I wouldn't want it. I've had my share of close calls on it because its so big and heavy. It will ride you.

But if you are going out to the swap or your working then by all means do it.

I just see way too many kids ( and sadly adults ) in may area who use their 4x4's as sport quads ( and none wear helmets) , it just makes me laugh...
Just it meens less compition for me hahaha.... I love it when they give me sh*tty looks, like they think their better haha!
( ok sorry for the little rant lol )
4x4 really aint needed but without ur limited to certain trails around here
i know it really aint a sport quad but it does carry the mail kind of fast lol
i also know that if i do trade my friend he will let me ride the blaster if i want so it aint like im selling it to a random person