maturity level


New Member
Mar 11, 2008
Well, I realize that most of us around here range in age anywhere from 12 to early 20's, with a few being older than that. But I find some to be at best at the maturity level of a 5 year old. I will not name any names, and I will admit that I myself got sucked into lowering myself to that level, and I publicly apologize for it. The real measure of someone’s integrity is knowing when to admit that you screwed up; I was wrong. I was merely defending another member, for their constructive criticism, I only pointed out that his comments were not made to offend anyone, he was only trying to help, when I got a "f**k you." I never even said anything bad about this person and he had to personally attack me, and well lets just say, I retaliated in a way that was inappropriate. I really do like this forum, I'm not trying to be like the guys from e2s, and I think most of the people around here are very helpful, honest people. I think you should say what you want, but I whole heartedly believe making comments that are unwarranted towards another member are uncalled for. Rambo didn't draw "first blood," but he sure as hell finished it; if you start something, be prepared to have someone else finish it; I'm finished.

Thank you
Nothing, just some of our guys and some of them, started something a while back, about all of us being "kids," and I just wanted to make sure that no one around here thought that, that's what I was doing. Maturity has nothing to do with age.