low budget


New Member
Jun 14, 2011
It sucks looking at everyone's upgraded blasters lol. What is the absolute cheapest thing to do for extra acceleration.
take the airbox lid off and rejet it up 3 or 4 sizes. total cost about 3 bucks. patience man, this stuff takes time. ive been working on mine for about 2 years now.
air filter 14 tooth sprockt for more top speed redisgn your head by ken ocoonr that is 60 dollars um reeds usualy the whole kit for 140 dollars or just the replacement reeds for 50 dollars . but the cheapest thing i know of is a reed spacer they are 20 dollars
take the airbox lid off, rejet - $3-10 depending on how many jets you buy. helps a little
Uni filter - $25 if i remember right. helps a little
exhaust - $250 give or take. helps alot
Home port job - i have like $60 with gaskets and dremel bits. helps quite a bit if done right.
Gym membership - $20-$50 a month. you could always loose some weight.
dam, looks like some of those are in my budget lol. i do have a uni air filter but i have the air box lid on so ill take that off, and look its jets and reeds. Ive had thise blaster for like 6 years now. Im just in college workin now in the summer so im lookin to amp up this quad alil. also i have been workin out for like 6 years since highschool im sitting at 185 pounds lol. maybe ill lose about 5 for the extra power ill be given.