Those nerfs look like they will clean up pretty good to me...no dents or anything right? Will work with stock foot pegs?

Are they still available?
Ill take care of everyone tonight with there requests please check back about 6:30 central time. Yes everything is still available and yes they will work with stock pegs, the nerfs look fine, no major dents just normal scuffing on the bottom from being used, and should polish up pretty nice I would gather.
im interested in nerfs, your gunna have to knock that price down though.
Well I don't really need to get rid of any of this so if your not willing to pay what ive got listed then don't bother looking...Im not trying to be an ass, its just the way things are!!
how much shipped for the swingarm plate to 16201 im still interested i just got get some money and quit buying everything i see but let me know price for it thanks
again chris like i said im in no way hard up for cash, thanks for the offer but no worried about selling them either, ill get what im asking or they'll just sit for now, I paid more than $50+shipping and i intend on getting that back so...sorry