looking for new plastic.


New Member
Mar 3, 2013
I am currently doing a complete restore on my 03 Blaster, I am in need of some parts, I am missing the cover that holds the oil light, but I removed the oil light, so I am looking for a replacement for that, and I am looking the cover that goes ever where I put my block plate, but without the hole where the hoses went to the oil pump. Also the rear fender flaps. I am doing a complete restore of the motor, body, suspention... well everything. planning on going all black with a torch red frame and wheel hubs.

probably gonna just use a pro taper handlebar cover.
start up a build thread with lots of pictures, you can easily find a cover on ebay or fab your own, that plastic cover looks like crap anyways on the handlebars so i would leave it off and get a bar pad instead, what do you mean by fender flaps?
Not sure, I looked at a OEM picture and it showed something listed as a flap, bolted to the fender right behind your heels, there is an opening in my fender on the right side like something is missing. I have the blaster in pieces as of now, got a list with about 20 items on it, only things I cant find are the cover i can replace the old oil pump cover with, and the flaps. Good thing is I work at my dads machine shop with CNC latheing and CNC milling machines. I would rather buy one but if I cant I can always make one.

this is my first real project, I am only 20, I plan to paint, completly rebuild the motor, and suspention. I want something I can be proud of.
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that place were it looks like something is missing is only there so when you kick to start it your foot clears the fender. nothing is missing there but the heel guards (aka flaps) you can buy new flaps off of ebay or just run with no heel guards like me, but if i were you i would just purchase the raptor heel guards and watch that video on how to mount them
Okay, They look good thats probably what I will do, plus its cheaper than buying the OEM flaps. Ill post back if I come up with anything else I need help finding. I am gonna make a post in the Full Rebuild section tomorrow after I can get some pictures, I would love opinions.
I would either "plug" the holes with black silicon, or make a cover. Some have used flat aluminum or aluminum tread plate. Having a machine shop at your disposal you could make a real sick looking cover, one of a kind.