lmao the HONDA blaster..

ahh i was hopin it was more like mitsu with mivec since there the true founders of vtec but just didnt tak off tel honda got into it bigtime. dont believe me do some research trust me.
Around here the big thing was always people saying there type-r civic could out run a 5.0. A kid I used to work with had one such civic he started telling me about all the money he invested in it, and all the parts it had. all professionally installed by a guy who I can verify is a complete dumb ass (I wouldn't let him rotate my tires much less install a turbo!!!). Anyway he was all proud that he beat a nearly stock 5.0 that another guy at work had. I looked at him and said "you do realize you spent over 9k upgrading your car just so it can barely beat a 4k dollar car!?!" (although it did handle better than the mustang.this was a drag race)