lmao the HONDA blaster..

lol..no such thing as a 'type r' blaster..ppl are f*cking retarded i have a nissan sentra se-r spec-v and i cant tell you how many times i see ppl throw around type r into the mix "i have a sentra type r" type r is a honda thing only.
lmao I love you found my craigslist post...damn i didnt think anyone would! lol jp thats funny sh*t and yea ppl put TYPE R on everyyyythingggg..lol even mini vans.
that sh*ts from long island, its prolly stinkinlincoln, we all know he's got mad selling skills, haha
That thing has so many JDM parts on it... its better then Type R... its more JDM and it has VTECH.....lol f*ck fa66ets
d000d vtakkkkkk i forgot. lol yeah great the yfz450r its still not a type r ya f*ck.

and this things got almosts a half inch bore lolol.. .40 i love it.