Just had a shotgun pointed at my dad and I !!!!!!!!!

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Gotta remember, if you feel your life is in danger, you can defend yourself. I would have seriously hit him in the leg with an arrow or shot at him with my .22. He has absolutely no right to even be out there with a gun, let alone shooting it where there may be other people in the way and pointing it at you. I get people hunting in my forest where there is no trespassing signs and they use guns in bow season sometimes. It pisses me off so much.
^^^Exactly my thoughts. And it actually is small game season for shotgun. But why would you go walking through state land with a shotgun blasting shot after shot when its prime time rut season for deer!!! It literally is! November 12-20 is the best time to hunt deer because of the rut.

But again, he pointed a gun at my dad and I so none of that even matters.
That situation is just F'ed up. IDK what I would have done besides sh*tz bricks.
What do you got to carry a gun for bow hunting now a days lol
we try to stay away from public hunting land as much as possible because of stupid sh*t like this....
my first year hunting we had a guy stand 50 yards away from me and my dad in plain sight. we cleared our throats coughed etc and the guy was completely oblivious. we ended moving to a different spot even though we were in the woods hours before the other guy. the following year we started hunting on private property on my cousins farm. which borders state game lands. so now the stupid hicks shooting their 30-06's like uzis push all the deer right to us.
dude was wearing blaze orange obviously he was hunting not trying to kill you or your father...call BS on this 1 lets see a copy of the police report

Alright no problem dude! I'll go to the police department tomorrow. Cop took all my dads information down, I'll have no problem getting that for you.
pointing a gun and turning around with a gun is 2 different things ...I have been hunting all my life and see the situation

He said the guy aimed the shotgun at them, and was firing it just before that. That sounds like a pretty serious situation to me. We aren't talking about the amount of deer that get hit by cars here either, this thread is a discussion about this incident.
He said the guy aimed the shotgun at them, and was firing it just before that. That sounds like a pretty serious situation to me. We aren't talking about the amount of deer that get hit by cars here either, this thread is a discussion about this incident.

I am 38yrs old and have been hunting all my life ....someone with a shotty during bow season wearing blaze orange isnt out to break the law or kill someone during bow hunting season
I am 38yrs old and have been hunting all my life ....someone with a shotty during bow season wearing blaze orange isnt out to break the law or kill someone during bow hunting season

Are you missing this? He aimed the gun at this kid and his dad and was irresponsibly shooting before that. I've been shot gun hunting quite a few times and never seen anyone shoot or even raise their weapon, shot gun or rifle or bow, unless there was game to safely kill. Assuming everything that BBB has said here is true, I don't know why you can't just see the situation for what it is instead of being the black sheep.
NO NO NO I have been hunting many of times and had buck shot rain down on me from other hunters...like getting hit with a spit ball ....but his story seems like they startled the guy the was small game hunting
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