Was up fellas, so I am hung up on either getting 10x5 front 9x8 rear Douglas wheels or ITP wheels. Love the ITP for the clover like wheel design. Any suggestions??
only suggestion i have is, if ya ride anywhere but sand/groomed trails, get the .190's for added strength
the .125's do not do well in rough stuff
absolutely!!! i have .125 on the rear and any good jar causes the to warp!
Yea, I bent one of my red lables trying the break the bead to change tires. The bead was so firm that it pulled the rim in instead of letting go. I ended up cutting them off.
Thanks Awk!!! Did some research last night, any one know how wide the 8x8.5 (3+5.5) ITP T-9 rear sticks out?
Aren't the red labels the .190? I have reds on the front, pretty sturdy. My rears are blue labels. .125, way to thin. Those bend just by looking at em! Lol
I stand corrected, my BLUE labels. And I thought you were old :-/