Is this bad news? Picture

SO I am checkin my newly purchased blaster out and I removed the carb cleaned it and reinstalled it, I noticed black oil caked up on the exhaust manifold so I unscrewed it and yucck! There is NOO gasket here? wtf , Im pretty sure one is suppose to be here, I just ordered a engine gasket set wtf? Do people just drive this around with no gasket, and is the black oil a bad sign f things to come?


There is nothing wrong with that. Clean it up, put the gasket (metal ring) in there. Always do a the three tests. Compression test, leak test, and plug chop.
no biggie, black splooge is common
seems to be running rich ?
could just be a dirty air filter ?

that flange to cylinder does not get a "gasket" per say.
it takes a doughnut crush gasket, which may be in there ?
it sits into a groove in the cylinder.
they're relatively cheap and easily replaced.
no need for a complete gasket set
Got ya I just ordered the air filter off ebay.Uni filter. Hey do I need to remove the engine to do the leak down test? And once i get the new filter do I need to add oil to it?

yes oil the new filter, and remove the carb and exhaust pipe to do the leakdown test, makesure the sparkplug is in when you do it, not that I have ever done that :p and make sure the piston is at bdc and you only pump it to 7psi
Haha I see dont feel bad I just posted on facebook"Make sure you wear goggles to protect your eyes when cleaning your carb with carb cleaner" I was cleaning that little sucker with carb cleaner when it ricochet off a corner on the carb and hit me dead in the eye!! AHHHHH FAWK that burned!
Or you could just look through your exhaust port and ensure the piston is as far down as it can go. You never want to put anything like that inside the cylinder.
Or you could just look through your exhaust port and ensure the piston is as far down as it can go. You never want to put anything like that inside the cylinder.

trying to poke a stick in any hole they can I:I
No real drama if the piston is not at BDC or anywhere come to that.

The pressurised air will easily work its way up past the piston and rings.

The first pressurisation may drop a little but you can top it up to 7 psi.