Important Video Everyone should watch

lol... so how long did it take you to think that up? honestly. gime 1 person other than you, that doesnt think thats funny or sweet.

like cmon. you can do better than ripping on my sign.

Now by me having that sign and me speaking about others respect, were all riders and dont tell me you've never gone ridding were you shouldnt have. its a joke, unlike all this politics hate going on.

so again, shove it up your ass.

I dont think its funny, I think its disrespectful and immature. Thats the reason people hate riders. Guy has property and doesnt want ATVs on it then stay the hell off the property! Pretty simple.
Blaster X - Please form some paragraphs and add some periods with your short story-like posts. becausewhenyoutypelikethisnoonereallywantstoreaditbecauseitjustgoesonandonandonaboutnothingandyoujustrepeatyourselfanddontuseandpunctuationortheenterbuttonatall.

Im not saying it has to be perfect because mine is by no means, but you need to at least TRY to remember your liberal elementry school days.
it just sucks to see u guys get at each others throats for a topic that stirs up sh*t anytime its posted. easy solution...just go here------>

I like to see what people with some of the same things in common with me have to say. I like to hear opinions on how they feel politics effects their lives.


Because for the most part it makes sense for the outdoors active type people to vote conservative.
As mentioned for the 3rd or 4th time in this thread....... This is the off topic section that is for ANYTHING

As for the 3rd of 4th time..... Dont like my posts? DONT READ THEM!

Please.... Quote me on where I contridicted myself.

i did in ur last thread that got closed, like 5 times and u never responded to any of them! u moved on to a diff subject or topic with polticis! go look spanky
I have decided to compile a list of things that will also need to be banned to make the U.S. safe and the reason they should be banned.

Softball bats-beating
Rope,Chain,Cable,Twine and Strong String-hanging dragging and nasty rope burns
Various Poisons-self explanitory (did you know apple seeds contain a small amount of cyanide ;) )
Pointy Sticks-stabbing
Water-drowning (and water boardingI:I)
Cliffs and Tall Buildings-pushing people off of
Vehicles-Running people over and dragging people
Rocks-bashing peoples heads
big sticks-same as above
camshafts-yup head bashing again(plus it would make 2-strokes more popular again)
Any type of metalic cylinder-pipe bombs
peanuts-some people are really allergic to them,no seriously its really bad they swell up and stuff and some even die
household cleaners-mixing bleach and ammonia makes a toxic gas
Fire-burning people
acids-melting people
air compressor- you could make a high preassure air rifle
volcanoes-same as cliffs but with a touch of fire:-D
Bees- same as peanuts
Electricity-you could throw a hair dryer into the bath tub which brings up a good point
Bath Tubs- see above
anything sharp, pointy, heavy, hot, electrical, long, blunt, liquid, solid or gas
(feel free to add to my list I sure I forgot something)

only then will we be safe j/k
I could still kill you with my bare hands

If a person has resolved themselves to killing another person, then taking the guns away wont stop them!!! I dont care what anyone says murder is not a crime of opportunity!!!

haha love the camshaft one thats a good one they should do that, and fer all you who is putin sparky down jist shut up and let him be, if i remember right all he did was say hey watch this vid and then Racer X said somethin bout one political thread this month and now after readin all this bs i also agree with all you who are sayin if you don't like it don't read it it ain't sparky's fault we's all arguin bout this.
haha love the camshaft one thats a good one they should do that, and fer all you who is putin sparky down jist shut up and let him be, if i remember right all he did was say hey watch this vid and then Racer X said somethin bout one political thread this month and now after readin all this bs i also agree with all you who are sayin if you don't like it don't read it it ain't sparky's fault we's all arguin bout this.

Thanks man, glad a few people see my point. If you wanna debate then debate, if not there are other threads.
lol this is funny reading a bunch of people trying to sound smart.

i dont know about you guys but my parents always told me theres 2 things you dont bring up in a public place and thats politics and religion you just dont do it causes trouble IMO.....
^ should be a rule here. plain and simple. no politics and no religion. so f*cking true. should be common sence anyways but sparky here seems to lack that.