Important Video Everyone should watch

why not just figure out that you couldnt continue talking more "your better then everyone because your a republican bs" on the Barrack Hussein Obama post because it was closed. why was it closed? was it because there were so many posts cbaber and co. decided to close it down because they were afraid no one would be able to access the site due to such an overload of people trying to log in to see what JuniorLeague Sparkplug has to say about politics? was it because everyone of the members on the Blaster Forum said that you were right and there was no point of continuing the thread? or was it because maybe just maybe everyone and they're mom read the thing and over 95% of the people said to end it and talk about something else? or maybe it was closed because it was just as ignorant as the post im making now. i mean seriously is it that hard to figure out? you had to go start another thread? didnt something go off in your mind that said hey they closed the other thread maybe i shouldnt do another one? but no its not going to be that way because thats not the point. the point is just to sit around and try to dog on everyone in here because of political affiliation or whatever and you encourage free thinking (your words exactly) but you tell everyone that doesnt agree with you that they're liberal idiots? that you should drink a beer and bust the bottle over they're heads because thats the only way to get through to a liberal? and based on that statement alone you think your responsible enough to be a gun owner? so when that liberal disagrees with you you can go bust the bottle over theyre head and then shoot them bcuz they havent done for this country what you have so they should be dead at least have a concussion from the bottle right? because you want people to think freely (like you) and you want them to think for themselves (like you) and go buy American (even though you said they're stuff was crap) and everything else that you contradicted yourself on for over a week all for what? to hear yourself talk? bla bla bla bla everyone knows your full of sh*t with your i know everything and do more then anybody else and have accomplished more at 24 then anyone else in the forum so just give it a rest and go to a political forum and talk sh*t about politics. figure out that the majority of people agreeing with you were 18 and under. figure out that nobody wants to listen to some whiney ass know it all kid thats effin 24. one day after you grow up youll be in the same spot in your mid 30's and you'll have to deal with a 24 year old version of you and you'll get to understand first hand what annoying is and you'll say the same thing that ive said and other have said. your just a kid you dont know sh*t. all you know is how to go around and get an entire forum pissed off and not want to go talk about they're quads. the reason you start all that stuff on this site and not on a political site is because you know you dont know what youre talking about and you dont want someone that does know to tell you about how you dont know sh*t. so you come on here just assuming that its a bunch of dumb rednecks that dont know anything and now your here to talk about politics and educate all them because thats what everyone here needs. what everyone here needs is to not log in and see some more political threads started by you to just create drama. you want to inform people go to a political forum. your not trying to inform anybody of sh*t your just trying to be a rude ahole to people regardless of what they think. but you dont care about what other people think just yourself. after i make this post lets see how many people in the forum respond and say they agree with me and see how many agree with you and let that decide whos right and wrong. and yea im a newb and i dont know sh*t about four wheelers but i do know how to show people respect that do and not dog them out because of political affiliation or whatever and honestly if my $10 bucks to support this site went to keepin bs like Barrack Hussein Obama going on forever then i might as well have spent that $10 on something American made because thats something thats not worth $10 too.
Off Topic You can chat about anything in this forum. ATV's, music, life, sports, etc. Almost anything!

Obviously he's posting threads about politics, that being said if you already know what types of topics he's going to start, and you already know it upsets you, then why put yourself through the frustration?

To me it shows that either you want to debate his topic or you want to argue with him because of your own insecurities.

This forum could only grow from these topics as they include so many hundreds of tag words that could only make google easier to find us for topics other than Blasters.

A random political reader could stumble on to this forum from doing a simple search on google for "Obama + ammunition + higher cost" and find this forum. What if the guy once rode atvs or trikes when he was younger? This could add a new member simply buy providing other info he/she may find useful.

If you leave this forum over one or two members political opinions that they are placing in an "OFF TOPIC" thread labeled to be used as such, then you really have other larger issues bothering you.

If Cbaber wants to issue a ban on political threads thats his choice or anyone else that holds that type of authority over this forum. I for one can respect that if the decision is made, but can you respect me or any other than wants to use his voice to inform? If you can't handle the thread, then be an adult and choose not to read it.

It's no different than when I go into a book store and choose to read about marketing and financing, and choose not to read about nazi terrorism or knitting. Im simply capable of not reading something that isn't going to upset me or bore me. You should be too.

If you still cant keep your eyes off the screen and your fingers off the keyboard then do your homework and make some bold statements that hold their worth. Do some reseach and prove his points wrong. But please dont act 12 and simply say "no more politcal threads, or stop being mean to Obama, or quit saying stupid things"

I can literately hear you crying from several states away...
But please dont act 12 and simply say "no more politcal threads, or stop being mean to Obama, or quit saying stupid things"

not acting 12 just stating the obvious. the last thread was closed why? why cant anyone answer the ? of why the last thread if so great was closed? ive been on here a month and i dont recall any other thread getting closed.

never said dont be mean to Obama. I said the Cardinals fans should get over it they lost the game. You can figure out how that relates right?

quit saying stupid things? like what? that if your last thread was closed because it was such a good one why start another one doing the same thing? Does that even involve common sense? and go back and read that Barrack thread again because me and several others had excellent points that were made some busting sparky on his own words as to which he changed around to keep the arguement going. You sound by your thread like your halfway intelligent so why are you defending someone that says if your a liberal your an ahole and need to be hit over the head with a bottle? Why defend a kid?

If you leave this forum over one or two members political opinions that they are placing in an "OFF TOPIC" thread labeled to be used as such, then you really have other larger issues bothering you.

i never said i was leaving the forum i said it was a waste of $10 to support a site if thats the kind of bs that was going to be allowed to go on. I took the thread being closed as that kind of bs wont go on. Obviously im the only person in the entire forum that thinks that =))=)). and while ive bitched about this im not the only one. go back and read the threads and look at how many names of people that have said exactly what ive said and how many people actually agreed with the thread before you claim someone hasnt done theyre homework go do some on your own before you attack just me. None of my threads contain anything to attack anyone else for anything period. My threads are'nt designed to end up with me calling someone a liberal ahole that needs to be hit over the head with a beer bottle. Please go find the thread i started that has anything to do with controversy other then which exhaust is better. when was the last time someone said they were gonna hit someone over the head with a bottle because they liked Lrd and not Toomey? If i have issues for my statement what is starting threads to argue with people? Not having issues? Off topic or not i dont care if its a conversation about politics or motor oil i dont think anyone needs to be called names because of political affiliation or for any reason beyond a joke. If you paid to be a member or not nobody deserves that. and while the google thing would be good for the whole Barack gun thing and they used to have an atv story. if those people are smart enough to get that far theyll be smart enough to read through that thread and figure it out on theyre own and maybe that atv when they were younger will stay as a memory and there is no new member. New or old members either way nobody wants to listen to that bs man. its antagonistic drama creating bs for someone with issues to chew people out for political affiliation. again if you want to talk politics talk politics. if you want to go on with liberal ahole and beer bottles im sure im not the only one that will say go find another site
sparky f*ck off. and anyone defending him stop because hes starting sh*t.

and if your ignorant enough to think threads like his with all the flaming will bring people here, your horribly wrong. it will drive people away due to immaturity and insaults.
89custom I used to think you were a pretty good forum contributor but its hard for me to understand your posistion. Your avatar is of a person, I'll assume you or someone you admire giving, what appears to be a govt posting or a landowners sign, the bird. Stating complete disrespect to either the government, your government, or just a plain citizen that has asked for "Motorized vehicles Prohibited"

You're like a linemen that is too slow so he runs offsides trying to not be noticed so he can catch up or I guess I should say that your avatar suggest you're playing both sides of the field.

Listen guys Im simply providing facts and showing proof for my claims. I have a different approach than Sparky does for getting my point across, but I do agree with some of his points and some of his fears.

He's allowed to have them and this forum supports an Off-topic thread so I speak my voice just as you do.

Racer X - I was not directly aiming my comment towards you, I was speaking in generalities. I appologize if you felt I was directly attacking you, I am simply compiling the majority of the people that are making un-educated comments against Sparky's comments and attacking their accredibility.

The way Sparky chooses to voice his opinion is simply his own. If you want fire for his comments then please go find some material stating how great our new leadership is.

I'll start it for you guys, one thing the Democrats have done with the "Green Stimulis" that lifted an eyebrow for me was to try and pass a 26 million dollar budget towards off road vehicle recreational riding areas.
89custom I used to think you were a pretty good forum contributor but its hard for me to understand your posistion. Your avatar is of a person, I'll assume you or someone you admire giving, what appears to be a govt posting or a landowners sign, the bird. Stating complete disrespect to either the government, your government, or just a plain citizen that has asked for "Motorized vehicles Prohibited"

You're like a linemen that is too slow so he runs offsides trying to not be noticed so he can catch up or I guess I should say that your avatar suggest you're playing both sides of the field.

lol... so how long did it take you to think that up? honestly. gime 1 person other than you, that doesnt think thats funny or sweet.

like cmon. you can do better than ripping on my sign.

Now by me having that sign and me speaking about others respect, were all riders and dont tell me you've never gone ridding were you shouldnt have. its a joke, unlike all this politics hate going on.

so again, shove it up your ass.
I have decided to compile a list of things that will also need to be banned to make the U.S. safe and the reason they should be banned.

Softball bats-beating
Rope,Chain,Cable,Twine and Strong String-hanging dragging and nasty rope burns
Various Poisons-self explanitory (did you know apple seeds contain a small amount of cyanide ;) )
Pointy Sticks-stabbing
Water-drowning (and water boardingI:I)
Cliffs and Tall Buildings-pushing people off of
Vehicles-Running people over and dragging people
Rocks-bashing peoples heads
big sticks-same as above
camshafts-yup head bashing again(plus it would make 2-strokes more popular again)
Any type of metalic cylinder-pipe bombs
peanuts-some people are really allergic to them,no seriously its really bad they swell up and stuff and some even die
household cleaners-mixing bleach and ammonia makes a toxic gas
Fire-burning people
acids-melting people
air compressor- you could make a high preassure air rifle
volcanoes-same as cliffs but with a touch of fire:-D
Bees- same as peanuts
Electricity-you could throw a hair dryer into the bath tub which brings up a good point
Bath Tubs- see above
anything sharp, pointy, heavy, hot, electrical, long, blunt, liquid, solid or gas
(feel free to add to my list I sure I forgot something)

only then will we be safe j/k
I could still kill you with my bare hands

If a person has resolved themselves to killing another person, then taking the guns away wont stop them!!! I dont care what anyone says murder is not a crime of opportunity!!!
I have decided to compile a list of things that will also need to be banned to make the U.S. safe and the reason they should be banned.

Softball bats-beating
Rope,Chain,Cable,Twine and Strong String-hanging dragging and nasty rope burns
Various Poisons-self explanitory (did you know apple seeds contain a small amount of cyanide ;) )
Pointy Sticks-stabbing
Water-drowning (and water boardingI:I)
Cliffs and Tall Buildings-pushing people off of
Vehicles-Running people over and dragging people
Rocks-bashing peoples heads
big sticks-same as above
camshafts-yup head bashing again(plus it would make 2-strokes more popular again)
Any type of metalic cylinder-pipe bombs
peanuts-some people are really allergic to them,no seriously its really bad they swell up and stuff and some even die
household cleaners-mixing bleach and ammonia makes a toxic gas
Fire-burning people
acids-melting people
air compressor- you could make a high preassure air rifle
volcanoes-same as cliffs but with a touch of fire:-D
Bees- same as peanuts
Electricity-you could throw a hair dryer into the bath tub which brings up a good point
Bath Tubs- see above
anything sharp, pointy, heavy, hot, electrical, long, blunt, liquid, solid or gas
(feel free to add to my list I sure I forgot something)

only then will we be safe j/k
I could still kill you with my bare hands

If a person has resolved themselves to killing another person, then taking the guns away wont stop them!!! I dont care what anyone says murder is not a crime of opportunity!!!

i agree with you
I have decided to compile a list of things that will also need to be banned to make the U.S. safe and the reason they should be banned.

Softball bats-beating
Rope,Chain,Cable,Twine and Strong String-hanging dragging and nasty rope burns
Various Poisons-self explanitory (did you know apple seeds contain a small amount of cyanide ;) )
Pointy Sticks-stabbing
Water-drowning (and water boardingI:I)
Cliffs and Tall Buildings-pushing people off of
Vehicles-Running people over and dragging people
Rocks-bashing peoples heads
big sticks-same as above
camshafts-yup head bashing again(plus it would make 2-strokes more popular again)
Any type of metalic cylinder-pipe bombs
peanuts-some people are really allergic to them,no seriously its really bad they swell up and stuff and some even die
household cleaners-mixing bleach and ammonia makes a toxic gas
Fire-burning people
acids-melting people
air compressor- you could make a high preassure air rifle
volcanoes-same as cliffs but with a touch of fire:-D
Bees- same as peanuts
Electricity-you could throw a hair dryer into the bath tub which brings up a good point
Bath Tubs- see above
anything sharp, pointy, heavy, hot, electrical, long, blunt, liquid, solid or gas
(feel free to add to my list I sure I forgot something)

only then will we be safe j/k
I could still kill you with my bare hands

If a person has resolved themselves to killing another person, then taking the guns away wont stop them!!! I dont care what anyone says murder is not a crime of opportunity!!!
well said:)
lol... so how long did it take you to think that up? honestly. gime 1 person other than you, that doesnt think thats funny or sweet.

like cmon. you can do better than ripping on my sign.

Now by me having that sign and me speaking about others respect, were all riders and dont tell me you've never gone ridding were you shouldnt have. its a joke, unlike all this politics hate going on.

so again, shove it up your ass.

LOL know its starting to heat up. Im going to order a pizza=))
but you dont care about what other people think just yourself. after i make this post lets see how many people in the forum respond and say they agree with me .

Im behind ya bro I:I

also i did alot of the arguing with him in the last post he had, and ill be the first person to admit, i dont know sh*t about politics, but i know enough to know hes full of sh*t, contridicts himself bad and trys bashin other members! And if somone wants to talk a lil politics once in awhile i dont mind, ill even do it with ya, but when youv reached the point of pissing off more members than not, and your thread gets closed, ITS TIME TO STOP! With all the common since you claim to have (SPANKY) it should be quick for you to figure out! Politics are fine but take them where they belong, NOT ON A BLASTER FORUM! where you know, time and time again its starting arguments, so with that said, i gotta agree with RACER on this!
sh*t i would have shot the sign that 89custom is flippin the bird to....ppl are reading into everything way to much

Eh Im just pointing out that one minute he's shouting "f*ck the man" and the next he's telling others including myself that we cant. Besides that Ive got more respect then to just shout words, Ive actually got meaning behind my post.

And no 89custom, I can not say that I have ever ridden on private property that I was directly asked not too. Its called trespassing where I live. Its extremely disrespectful and only hurts our sport. So let me throw you a big fat ass party to say thank you!I:II:I
89custom I used to think you were a pretty good forum contributor but its hard for me to understand your posistion. Your avatar is of a person, I'll assume you or someone you admire giving, what appears to be a govt posting or a landowners sign, the bird. Stating complete disrespect to either the government, your government, or just a plain citizen that has asked for "Motorized vehicles Prohibited"

You're like a linemen that is too slow so he runs offsides trying to not be noticed so he can catch up or I guess I should say that your avatar suggest you're playing both sides of the field.

Listen guys Im simply providing facts and showing proof for my claims. I have a different approach than Sparky does for getting my point across, but I do agree with some of his points and some of his fears.

He's allowed to have them and this forum supports an Off-topic thread so I speak my voice just as you do.

Racer X - I was not directly aiming my comment towards you, I was speaking in generalities. I appologize if you felt I was directly attacking you, I am simply compiling the majority of the people that are making un-educated comments against Sparky's comments and attacking their accredibility.

The way Sparky chooses to voice his opinion is simply his own. If you want fire for his comments then please go find some material stating how great our new leadership is.

I'll start it for you guys, one thing the Democrats have done with the "Green Stimulis" that lifted an eyebrow for me was to try and pass a 26 million dollar budget towards off road vehicle recreational riding areas.

All good points.

I dont think its funny... the whole sign thing.
Im behind ya bro I:I

also i did alot of the arguing with him in the last post he had, and ill be the first person to admit, i dont know sh*t about politics, but i know enough to know hes full of sh*t, contridicts himself bad and trys bashin other members! And if somone wants to talk a lil politics once in awhile i dont mind, ill even do it with ya, but when youv reached the point of pissing off more members than not, and your thread gets closed, ITS TIME TO STOP! With all the common since you claim to have (SPANKY) it should be quick for you to figure out! Politics are fine but take them where they belong, NOT ON A BLASTER FORUM! where you know, time and time again its starting arguments, so with that said, i gotta agree with RACER on this!

As mentioned for the 3rd or 4th time in this thread....... This is the off topic section that is for ANYTHING

As for the 3rd of 4th time..... Dont like my posts? DONT READ THEM!

Please.... Quote me on where I contridicted myself.