Well, i just bought another blasty on a online auction in Cincinnati. its a 2001 that is absolutly mint! all stock, right down to the hand grips and the rubber plugs for the front bumper. The only thing that has ever been touched on it is it has a powercore silencer. Plans are on this one is to keep it fairly stock. ive got a spare a set of VF3 reeds and a set of holeshot rear tires that are going to be put on, and then il throw on a new UNI filter and drill the air box, and a set of protaper high bars. I do not have any pictures of it as it is not home yet. but will be picked up in the next 3 weeks. Does anyone have a fmf fatty pipe they are willing to sell? B) . So now ive got my 250r and blaster I:I 2 stroke for life!