if you could reach

Edit: Duh........that's one of my dumber moments...........................answer:NO....I second, What you been smokin? You must spend to much time alone....hehe
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There's very little I can't reach. I can reach up about 8 feet without a ladder and then I'm rated for manlift up to 80 foot... anymore than that and I start to get antsy anyway!

So sure, if I could reach it I would and I'm not too worried about not being able to reach it
Well I assume this was a thought experiment. Like could you reach your wishes, or the sky, or your goals. I took a step more literal and said that I can reach a lot of things so if I wanted to reach whatever it is, I could reach it if I wanted to.

Now, if we start hammering down what we're reaching, then I can give you a little more specific answer.
Yeah it's easy but I don't choose to :eek:

damn paulie, that explains the lack of shorts at busco last year !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and i believe the correct answer to this is................

" i'd never leave the house "