depends n the cop and his mood. from a warning to no license, no registration, no insurance, reckless operation, non dot approved tires, no front license plate, no rear license plate, no rear view mirror, no front right turn signal, no front left turnsignal, non dot approved headlight, non dot tail light, no brakelight, no left rear turn signal, no right rear turn signal, improper front fender coverage, improper rear fender coverage, since most states cnsider 2 and 3 wheeled vehicles motorcycles and anything with 4 wheels a car, no seat belts, no windshield, no windshield wipers.. Then if he impounds it on insurance most states require valid proof of insurance before release the vehicle (good luck getting legal limit liability insurance on an ATV)Then towing, impound and storage fees. So if the cop really is in a bad mood or is simply tired of you, it can cost well over 5 grand, your license and possibly even your bike.