Identifying 2 engines

Im pretty sure the pictures are uploaded. What exactly is a boost bottle?
A boost bottle is a contraption that is fitted to supposedly add a little extra charge to the intake pulse.

It is a container that is claimed will fill with a small charge of fuel and air as the reeds slam shut and stop the intake pulse at the carby.

Then when the crankcase again attempts to allow another charge to fill it, the boost bottle then supposedly releases the stored charge to assist in the filling.

It it also claimed that it will even out synchronisation pulses on multiple induction systems.

It is supposed to work in a similar fashion as a capacitor in and electrical system.
A boost bottle is a contraption that is fitted to supposedly add a little extra charge to the intake pulse.

It is a container that is claimed will fill with a small charge of fuel and air as the reeds slam shut and stop the intake pulse at the carby.

Then when the crankcase again attempts to allow another charge to fill it, the boost bottle then supposedly releases the stored charge to assist in the filling.

It it also claimed that it will even out synchronisation pulses on multiple induction systems.

It is supposed to work in a similar fashion as a capacitor in and electrical system.

Sorry not trying to go way off topic, but is the boost bottle simply a bottle or is there some sort of diaphragm inside like a household pressure tank, that would make more sense as to functionality.
Ya I've heard of it and seen people with banshees with them but never really understood it.
FMF was a big supplier of the boost bottles. Like the above post say they were SUPPOSED to provide better throttle response. They did work on some of the factory 2 stroke bikes since they had a real narrow power band from porting , low end power responce suffered. For most however,all they did was provide another air leak source.
Have you opened up that yamaha motor yet? That motor may have a reed cage with a 3 row pedal, that may fit the blaster motor. The it 175 also has a 66mm piston just like the blaster and the cylinder my have better ports from the factory then the blaster did.

Look at the it175 intake! big hole for a little motor!lol
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Sorry not trying to go way off topic, but is the boost bottle simply a bottle or is there some sort of diaphragm inside like a household pressure tank, that would make more sense as to functionality.
As the name implies it is actually a bottle, if there was a diaphragm inside it may have a fair chance of working.
Thanks for the info. I was thinking about it after I posted and in order for it to work even with a diaphragm I think it would need to be in a sealed system, like having reeds before the bottle/carb, in order to keep the boost from going out the intake. Anyway sorry for jacking your thread, I'll leave it at that. Great deal on the motors hope you can find some use for them.
Your not jacking my thread, we are all learning more info. And i have not yet opened it up. If the compression is good, do you think i can throw it on a blaster bottom end?
I would check it out real good. Because the engine has less volume than a blaster something must be different. I'm guessing its prob a shorter stroke, but I don't know as much as these other guys, they will prob know
That was some interesting reading, thx bronco. It might be possible to work, but 7mm is a lot to make up somewhere, the sleeve may not allow it.
The it200 has the same bore and stroke as the blaster! So what are the differences between the it175 and it200? Will a 240 sleeve fit in a it cylinder?
Seems the main difference is the stroke, so in turn the cylinder may actually be shorter, but I guess it could be a difference in the head or cases maybe. Only way to tell is pull the top end and compare measurements with a blaster. If the cylinders were swappable that would be neat but otherwise I'm with you quadman, why tear apart a great vintage motor? It would be cool if you could get it running as is and put it in something
I'm pretty Sure the website said the bottom ends are the same as blasters? Ya but the bike is rare so I wouldn't want to tear it apart. Maybe I'll find a rolling chassis or see if any one needs a motor.
That's a good question lol. I would hate to tear apart a great old vintage motor though.

You have to at least take out the reed cage and take a good look at the reeds. The reeds are like 30 years old, it may be time to replace them when your ready to fire up the motor!