A boost bottle is a contraption that is fitted to supposedly add a little extra charge to the intake pulse.Im pretty sure the pictures are uploaded. What exactly is a boost bottle?
A boost bottle is a contraption that is fitted to supposedly add a little extra charge to the intake pulse.
It is a container that is claimed will fill with a small charge of fuel and air as the reeds slam shut and stop the intake pulse at the carby.
Then when the crankcase again attempts to allow another charge to fill it, the boost bottle then supposedly releases the stored charge to assist in the filling.
It it also claimed that it will even out synchronisation pulses on multiple induction systems.
It is supposed to work in a similar fashion as a capacitor in and electrical system.
FMF was a big supplier of the boost bottles. Like the above post say they were SUPPOSED to provide better throttle response. They did work on some of the factory 2 stroke bikes since they had a real narrow power band from porting , low end power responce suffered. For most however,all they did was provide another air leak source.Ya I've heard of it and seen people with banshees with them but never really understood it.
As the name implies it is actually a bottle, if there was a diaphragm inside it may have a fair chance of working.Sorry not trying to go way off topic, but is the boost bottle simply a bottle or is there some sort of diaphragm inside like a household pressure tank, that would make more sense as to functionality.
That's a good question lol. I would hate to tear apart a great old vintage motor though.