So either they won't bolt right on, or they are modified to fit. I have done my research heard that shee spindles will not bolt right on without modification. If they are modified then they have a lot of material taken off of them and become weak. How do these bolt right on to my blaster without modification?
i think i may have heard this also, the top balljoint hole needs drilled out is what needs done i assume. (not possitive) i have ran the banshee spindles on aftermarket a arms, so then they do not need modified. im sure another member would be able to help you with info on the strength of the spindle, sorry, i never said they were a bolt on part. everything i have listed is below the cheapest prices on egay, great deal for someone wanting to convert to hydro front brakes. sorry i cant be of any more help with the specifics of what needs done to use these on stock blaster a arms.