how to???

Reputation is calculated several ways.

One, the longer you are here. That's how you see people with 85 rep power but few little green boxes.

The little green boxes also add up to form your rep. That's how many rep points have been given to you, mainly for helping people out either with technical information (how-to's) or just for being funny or nice.

The next way, is the number of posts you have. Somehow or another there are post number threshholds you meet and they add a rep point.
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Reputation is calculated several ways.

One, the longer you are here. That's how you see people with 85 rep power but few little green boxes.

The little green boxes also add up to form your rep. That's how many rep points have been given to you, mainly for helping people out either with technical information (how-to's) or just for being funny or nice.

The next way, is the number of posts you have. Somehow or another there are post number threshholds you meet and they add a rep point.

Good explanation have some rep haha
Reputation is calculated several ways.

One, the longer you are here. That's how you see people with 85 rep power but few little green boxes.

The little green boxes also add up to form your rep. That's how many rep points have been given to you, mainly for helping people out either with technical information (how-to's) or just for being funny or nice.

The next way, is the number of posts you have. Somehow or another there are post number threshholds you meet and they add a rep point.
o wise one you have earned the almity green rewards lol
Green dots make me HAPPY!

I was fortunate enough when I first joined here to say the right thing to the right people with like 140 rep points and they were VERY generous with them *cough awk cough*

With the 1700 posts I have and being here for nearly a year I have like 38 rep points (decent amount) but BUNCHES of little green boxes.

I should state that I believe it's not the amount of little green boxes you have that adds to the rep power (although that may have something to do with it) it's the number of different people who've given you the rep to get all those green boxes.

If that's true, small helping handouts (a small tip to help a LOT of people at the same time) will theortically net you more rep power but not as many green boxes...
it's all still confusing to me how i got so many, but i do try to help everyone and anyone i can
it's all still confusing to me how i got so many, but i do try to help everyone and anyone i can

awk i remember when i first joined this forum back in november, i dont remember where or what thread it was but i specifically remember saying awk is the blasterforum GOD

maybe seeing that your the GOD around here, lol, people just give you rep because your the god lol I:I
me and don Awk have traded green for green in that past we got each other haha. soo road kill i assume u ride bmx judging by ur shadow avatar... wanna help a brother out and buy some parts off me haha
i used to ride every day of my life. i would ride my bike to school sometimes and then ride around with my friends afterwards. we didnt care if it was raining or cold. we rode anyways. but now that im grown up, and have a child, i sold my bike recently. havent ridden it much since i got my license.