How to restore plastic

It gonna be a real pita to work around the stickers and still sand all in one direction. It can be done but will it be worth it???
dude this is a freaking awsome thread!!! i am trying to restore some old but decent plastics that have lots of dtress matks tho. now and i have got some good ideas from u guys. thanks alot and i will have a few before and after pics.
There is a plastic painting prep system made by PPG. The system is a 3 step, 3 material system, that allows paint of your choosing, to chemically bond with the plastic. It works great. Any automotive paint shop should carry it. PPG is the brand and it costs about $40. You should have your paint sprayed, but I was told Krylon makes a paint called "fusion" that will work, gotta say I have not seen the Krylon paint jobs though.
My super walmart blows I can't find any mop and glow :( is there any substitue for mop and glow?

yea mop-n-shine.. lol the cheap stuff from the doller store..
i used some off brand stuff thats like mop-n-glo and it worked fine.. the glo goes on a little easier imo..

looks like it works real good bu what about removing stress marks??

ive heard of using a heat gun.. but ive never tried myself so idk how well it works.
yea mop-n-shine.. lol the cheap stuff from the doller store..
i used some off brand stuff thats like mop-n-glo and it worked fine.. the glo goes on a little easier imo..

Good to know! I'll have to try it. Thanks

ive heard of using a heat gun.. but ive never tried myself so idk how well it works.

Yeah it works great you just need to take your time, you can't rush it, if you do it will look crappy.
cheese cloth and some gas to start.. wakes up the white plastics after riding in everything all day on my bike..
About how long did you take with the steel wool while doing the front grill or gas tank? I feel like im not doing it long enough.

You want to spend enough time to remove the layer of contaminants from the plastic. Concentrate your time on any bad scratches to level them down. It's hard to see on lighter plastics but darker one you can tell you've spent enough time when the whole piece has a frosted look to it.