ok this my be a stupid question to some of you but this is my first 2 stroke and how do i mix my own oil & whats the 32:1 mean?
ok this my be a stupid question to some of you but this is my first 2 stroke and how do i mix my own oil & whats the 32:1 mean?
What do you guys use for the oil do you us the yamalube? or do you recommend something else?
28:1 is way to much oil the oil injection oiled it 32:1 you should mix it 40:1 you would get on the pipe alot faster then what you will with 28:1 because it wont take as much time to clear out.
just make sure to block off the hose that leads to the carb
That is wayyy too lean!I run 50:1 on 93 octane with Aimsoil
Get the part numbers from the bags in the pic there, then go to a local quad/bike shop and ask them to order them. Mine cost about £15. Or vitos in the USA are pretty speedy and decent priced