holy snow!!!

woke this morning no schooooolllllll pumppped.. might get the blaster out. dont know if i wanna treat her to the cold tho.
yeaa well i got a few inches this morning but now its raining :( but the news said lots of snow later on today
The snow is too deep here for my Blaster to even go (24+ inches). It's almost too deep for snowmobiles. School has been closed all week so far.
^^^Same here in Western MD...we got around 22 inches so far and hasnt stopped yet. We have some 4 ft snow drifts in my drive way doesnt look like ill be goin to work tomorrow...
Heres the driveway i have to get cleared....LOL
rejet for the cold , cold air is denser = more air so you need more fuel to go along with that , atleast overheating isn't a big issue right now . wish i was there , can't wait to get some snow out here
running lean is like running a 4 stroke on low oil , you can damage your engine , the 2 stroke oil is there to lube the bottom end and piston , too much and the engine runs crappy too little and your engine goes boom!!!!! just increase by 1 main jet size and it will be fine
Loving the Snow Staten Island NY is like Mad Max world all it is Snow plows and Quads i passed banshee Earlier with no gas Poor guy. I just came back from 5 hours of riding and am going back out in an hour anyways have fun in the snow guys!!
here in southern nj we got a big one the other day and then one day of relaxing now this. it rained alot and now its snowing again really hard. just pretty sh*tty. i took my blasty out the other night for about 3 hours ripping up the neighborhood. was veryyyy fun but now i cant do it cause i sent my cylinder out to kennedy so no riding for me for a while.
Ya!! We are getting lots of snow up here in mn and i cant ride anywhere besides up and down the drive way. I cant wait for spring it will be nice. I dont mind the snow when there aint that much off it but when there is to much to ride its not cool.
we got 6 inches this morning and last i checked we had another 5 inches on top of that ive never driven a clutch in the snow lol but i did take out my polaris magnum i<3 RWD quads in the snow lol i wish i had the blaster running. hopefully by next snowfall lol. all the parts are in the mail !!!