help with 86 cr250


New Member
Oct 2, 2009
SouthEast MI
im lookin at buyin a 86 cr250 in good shape, but the engine leaks water/coolant into the crankcase...the seller of this told me he asked dealer they told him change the waterpump gasket, well that didnt work he went back they told him to change the "other" waterpump gasket. he selling it right now for 300$ with all the gaskets needed as a complete bike...but im kinda doubting its the gasket...does anyone have any experience with those things? ive never really got into one of those...i was thinking maybe crack somewhere in the case or something. but i dunno...good buy?;
for 300 you cant go wrong, You need to replace the little seals that are on the impeller shaft. And you should replace the shaft too because they get corroded and dont get a seal.
you ever do one? im just wanting to make sure that im not getting in over my head, incase the case is cracked or something somewhere...i was hopin it was a known problem
yes ive done two or three. That is the only only problem that is possible,you would see the crack if that was the problem. It is easy, you had might as well replace the bearing too. total its like 50. Even if it doesnt fix it you could sell it for more than 300 lol
Sometimes the case gets eaten away and leaks, just get some jb weld and you can fix it as good as new. I've done this on 80's model kawasakis and never had any problems.
okay, i think im gonna do it, he sent me some pics, ill post them up later lemme know a final decision if i should buy or not. ive been wanting a dirt bike...much difference in power between these and like 90's dirtbikes?
Well you will def be down on power compared to the 97 or whatever. But suspension will be really behind, alot. Modern 125s make the same amount of straight up HP as a early 80s 250 bike, but in not as big of a range of course. If that gives you any clue as to where you are standing right now
true.. the 250s hav e anice power range where the 125s are a higher rpm power... it was night and day just on power band between my cr125 and my cr250... the cr250 the power came on hard low in the rpms and the 125 came on semi smooth but higher rpm......

the cr250 when the power valve dropped would instantly toss the front end into the air.. the 125 not as hard and would only power wheelie 1-2 the 250 would power wheele 1-2-3-4
The power valve opens when you reach a certain RPMs. Lower RPM it is closed and higher RPMs it is open
thats right ^^^ my 1999 yz 125 power valves came on at about 1/2 throttle maybe just a tad under my 125 did power wheelis in 3rd to just had to go past 1/2 throttle and pray that you didnt flip.. but 125's really arnt know for the bottom end power they are mid power bikes my 125 lacked bottom end and no top end once you out of 4th you better be in a drag race then. i have a 82 rm 125 sitting here and the suspension is stone ages away from my 89 cr 80 its amazing 6 years in suspension will do for you.. i would take it
It isnt determined my throttle position, only by RPMs. It doesnt "come on" All it does is open up
It isnt determined my throttle position, only by RPMs. It doesnt "come on" All it does is open up

you get what i mean i know how it works i tore down my whole bike.. and i know it isnt determined by throttle since i have no clue what rpm im at that the best way to describe when the vales open up going straight